With Your Name On It

"What if La Hiena asks you in a fistfight?" asked Wuming the following morning when he found out about the contents of the letter.

They were all in the dining room, having breakfast with the older Qings. It was like none of them were thinking about the diets they were usually following and filling their plates and bellies for the whole day ahead.

"It's not like I am really going to fight him," said Qing Chen and poured himself another serving of rice. "I just need him out of his hiding place."

Wuming's eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah? Why? We're gonna ambush him as soon as he lands."

"IF he lands."

Qing Lok laughed. "Come on, stop beating around the bush. Let us know what you're planning."

From the corner of his eyes, Qing Chen saw that his father was feigning interest, but he was sure he was listening. "I'll tell you later. It's going to be a fun ride."

"Lot's of dead bodies?" suggested Wuming.