The Beginning

Its 2020 and a new and quickly rising hate group called the "New Planet" have recently been in the spotlight after they attacked many research labs around the world and stole lots of equipment, the only problem is that the police and intelligence agencies dont know anymore than your average person about the group, all they know is the name.

They captured a few members of the group but all they could get out of them was that they planned to destroy the human race before they all bit small cyanide pills and died simultaneously even though they had no contact with each other, this greatly disturbed the intelligence agencies as they now know the motive of the group but have no idea about how they will do this.

A few weeks after the break ins, in a small lab in Russia an old man with grey hair only down one side of his head as the other side has a burn scar, is testing a black substance on a mouse while documenting every thing that happens "Test 234 the substance has not made the subject burst into flames, die instantly, blow up, turn a different colour or headbutted the glass until its skull breaks, this is looking good so far but the higher ups are getting restless about how long this is taking" he says into a recording system that he is holding. Just as he finishes saying this the mouse starts to turn green and chunks of its flesh start to fall out, when it turns around and sees another mouse in a different cage it goes crazy slamming against the glass but instead of its skull breaking like the last mouse that tired this the glass starts to slowly crack, as the professor sees the he goes wide eyed and start to back up into a different room and sealing the door shut.

The mouse finally breaks the glass and scampers over to the next cage knocking it off the desk shattering it, the mouse inside the cage gets thrown out and slides a few feet away, seeing this the green mouse runs at it and quickly pounces on it and bits its neck instantly killing it.

But after a few moments the previously dead mouse turns green and again chunks of flesh fall out of it as well, when the professor sees this he starts jumping up and down the notices what he's doing and quickly grabs a nearby phone and calls someone only saying "Its worked get the boss over now"