Hey Look, A Guest, Oh Look More Zombies

"So what do we do with the girl, we can't exactly take her with us. At least until we deal with our current zombie problem and figure out where we need to go after this, we really can't be taking a kid into a war zone no matter how good she is with a knife...she's still a child."

They had been having this argument all morning, William and Felix wanted the girl to stay put with one of them while the other three went and finally checked out the upper floors of the office building now the zombies had left. But Annabel and Jack wanted all five of them to go so that they would all be together and they would technically be at their strongest. The girl was still asleep and still clutching her knife as none of them had the heart to wake her up yet, or better yet didn't have the balls to incase she was angry when she would wake up, the main reason that William and Felix didn't want to bring her is that if the army of zombies did come back they wouldn't be able to escape a second time. They're just not strong enough or have enough people to kill all the zombies before they themselves get killed. While they were arguing, outside another fight was taking place but instead of human v human or even human v zombie, it was zombie v zombie. A few of the army's scout zombies had come across a few rouge zombies but instead of joining forces or even letting each other pass without stopping, they immediately began attacking each other. After one of the rouge zombies had died, Felix finally noticed the confrontation.

"Ummm hey guys? Are you seeing what I'm seeing, cause if so then what are we seeing? Last time i checked the zombies only attacked humans, not each other so why are they killing each other right outside..."

They all turned to look at the fight and sure enough the zombies were literally tearing each other apart until they were dead.

"Unless its because they aren't in the same "group" at this point we cant think of these zombies like the ones in books and movies. We have been shown time and time again that some of them are as smart or even smarter than us, so different factions of zombies and even wars against different factions aren't completely out of the picture. If im right then we can hopefully use this to help us at some point, but we would need another army if we wanted to beat this one...Which Is Why The Girl And Someone Should Stay Here. At this point we have no way to beat the army if they come back and I can't willingly march us all towards certain doom, never mind bring a kid along with us."

After this William walked away, basically dropping the matter and even though Annabel and Jack didn't agree they couldn't really go behind his back and do anything. They all spent the next 2 hrs laying around nkt doing anything except watching out the window to see if anymore fights took place but nothing happened. Until they heard a scraping sound at the doors, not the zombie type of scraping but one that William instantly knew what it was. He ran over to the door and quickly open it but when he looked outside he just walked away and sat down again, except this time he wasn't alone an alsatian with a police vest followed him in and sat down on his lap before falling asleep.

"Umm guys anyone know what this dog is doing on my lap, last time i checked Ban doesn't look like this unless I've just forgotten. Also why does it have a police vest on, if its with the police then why is it here."

Jack got up off the comfy floor and walked over to the sleeping dog and reached down and grabbed something wrapped around part of its vest.

"This might explain things you idiot, im pretty sure we all saw this as soon as HE walked in except you as usual. Now let's see what this letter has to say, you never know William it might even tell us why he's here. Lets see.

Dear reader, if you have found this letter then you must have found Bear, if he hasn't attacked you then you must be a semi decent person and will hopefully help us. About 150 of us, army and police alike are trapped in a warehouse, we were tasked with finding out why we couldn't get signal here as this waa meant to be a possible safe zone location. Except we have found what us stopping the signal, a huge coordinated hoard of zombies has surrounded the warehouse and we dont have the man power or fire power to fight our way out. We aren't asking you to try and save us, that would be a suicidal mission, all we ask is that you look after Bear and if you find any military or police force, tell them what happened to us and that making a safe zone here would be more trouble than its worth...

Well damn, that's pretty depressing we thought the military would be able to keep the zombies back but even they can't beat a zombie army. I doubt this was written too long ago as 1, Bear is still alive and doesn't look hungry and 2 we haven't been in the apocalypse for that long and they said they were trapped, so that means the zombies can't get to them either. So now we need a new plan that includes either rescuing the military or finding a different bunch at some point, and as much as I hate to sentence them all to death I don't think we have the man power to give them a chance to escape alive. So unless Mr Planner over there has another genius, how could they ever go wrong, foolproof plan of his we can't help them."

"Well actually u ass I do have a plan, but unlike the others this is a plan that only I will do. The chance of something going wrong is wayyy higher than my previous plans, and there's something I need the rest of you to do. This is gonna sound stupid, but I plan to bring the nearby army of zombies to wherever the military is, if I can get them to attack each other then hopefully with the military's help. Whoever wins that fight will be killed, 2 birds with 1 small fragile stone.

And while I'm away doing all that I want you guys, minus the kid and someone to look after her...or maybe keep an eye is a better word. Anyway, whoever doesn't stay will hopefully be able to search the upper floors and see if anyone is still alive, that was our entire goal so might as well do it as well, just make sure that if you feel that its a lost cause you get out of there as soon as possible."

With this William stood up and ruffled Bear and they both headed out the door and down the stairs, William picked up his sledgehammer on the way out and headed outside and then started walking towards the building that all the zombies had ran to.

While he did this the rest played rock paper scissors to see who had to watch the kid, who still didn't have a name as her dad hadn't told them and she was still asleep. Felix lost so Annabel and Jack headed out and back into the other building this time skipping the searching of each floor, this time heading straight up to where they had the bug battle with the zombies. The 6th floor was like the rest, filled with blood and smelling like burning rotten flesh. The only difference was that they didn't see any bones or skeletons, just that horrible smell that lingered in the air telling them what must have happened here. They quickly made their way to the next set of stairs (each staircase was at the other end of the floor from where the last staircase lead them to, I know horrible layout but anyway) but when they tried to go up the stairs they found that a pile of desks and chairs were blocking them.

"Oh great this is just what we need, hey Annabel I thought you said that all the zombies ran down here yesterday, unless this was done since then. But if it was then how come we never heard or saw anything, these desks are pretty big and heavy to be able to move around easily. So what happened here, I know the zombies WERE here, as evident by all the blood around here but if your suggesting that all those zombies that tied to kill me yesterday came from this small space? Then your dead wrong there isn't nearly enough room to hold them all here unless....fuck those smart bastards they piled up so they could all fit here. Look up at the top of all the walls, they are covered in blood and small bits of flesh that have fallen off when they were up here. Now I'm really worried for William, if they can do this then we have no idea how smart they actually are and I doubt his plan will be as easy as he says."

He then walks over to the wall of desks and starts hitting it with butt of his axe making a loud clanging sound. After a minute of this they hear someone shouting for the other side of the wall.

"We are happy that someone has finally come...BUT CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP AND THAT ISNT HELPING THEM. I'm guessing that because you can make so much noise, that the zombies are gone which is amazing but still. Please shut up! We will let you in but just be quieter from now on."

As they say this the wall starts to fall in on itself somehow and after they push the fallen desks out of the road the previously blocked staircase is now completely open and the doors are wide open...