Chapter 2

After Dan gets over the shock, he asks the system, "What the heck is the Mutation Menu?" Dan waits for a few seconds and then says, "Open Mutation Menu." Once he says that, a menu opens in front of him.

[ Mutation Menu

Evolution: 0/3 (10 Bio-energy) Species Evolutions: (Locked)

Scale Resistance: level 0 Teeth: level 0 Lesser Venom: level 0]

Looking at the menu, Dan sees a lot of new things. Dan notices to evolve only costs 10 bio-energy, there are also other things that he has no clue about what they do.

Dan selects Scale Resistance on the menu. After he selects it, another screen pops up.

[Obtain Scale Resistance level one, cost 3 bio-energy. Yes/No]

Dan decides to get it to find out what the new things do, plus Scale Resistance sounds like it would increase his survivability.

[You have obtained Scale Resistance level one.]

Dan, getting Scale Resistance, suddenly feels a ferocious itch all over his body. He writhed around on for a few seconds trying to scratch the itch. After the itching stopped, Dan relaxes as a warm pleasant feeling goes through his whole body.

"Fuck, that was the worst feeling I have ever experienced in my life. It was like my whole body was covered in mosquito bites," Dan thought to himself.

Getting off the ground, Dan sees flakey scales on the ground around him. "My scales most have fallen off during the process while squirming around on the ground," Dan reasons.

Dan goes off to find more things to eat and test out his newly acquired Scale Resistance. Searching around the area for a few minutes, Dan does not find anything truly significant to eat, but he did find several small insects to eat.

Dan looks around for a little longer. He climbs the trees to get a better vantage point. After almost 30 minutes of look down from the trees, Dan discovers something wondrous but also dangerous. A large anthill beneath the tree across from him. There are probably hundreds of millions of ants if he could eat all of them he would be able to get thousands of bio-energy. But, Dan also understands the danger if the ants swarm him, he could very easily be killed.

Dan decides to steer clear of the anthill for now, but remember where it is located so he can come back when he is strong enough or has a strategy.

Dan starts walking back to the hole in the tree that he made his home. On the way back, Dan feels the ground shake. He quickly climbs up a nearby tree. Scanning around for the cause, Dan sees an enormous black figure below the tree he climbed up. As he takes a closer look at the black mass, he sees that it is a black bear.

Frightened by the black bear, Dan stood perfectly still, trying to go unnoticed. The bear sniffs the air and turns its head toward Dan. Seeing the bear turn toward him, Dan feels the urge to escape but holds steady and waits it out. After a few bloodcurdling seconds of the bear looking at Dan, the bear finally left.

Dan quickly run to the hole in the tree and let out a sigh of relief. "Holy crap, that was too close, I was almost killed. I have to be more aware of my surroundings." Dan decides to take a rest after the stressful day he has had.

Dan wakes up the next morning he is surprised to realize that he is not as cold as he thought he would be after sleeping for so long. He finds the warm rock he laid on yesterday to warm up. Although he is not as cold as he thought he would be, he is still cold.

After warming the rest of the way up, Dan goes hunting. While he is out hunting, a sudden harsh thirst comes over him, and it dawns on him that he has not drunken any water since becoming a lizard. "I guess I was too stressed out yesterday to realize I had not drunk anything," Dan says to himself.

Dan starts looking for any source of water. Using the trees to traverse through the forest, he encounters all kinds of forest animals, rabbits, other lizards, and even a close call with a bird.

After searching for half an hour, Dan finds a stream. The stream is not that large it probably could not even accommodate small fish. Dan looks around for any potential dangers, seeing no threat, he goes down to take a drink.

While drinking, he sees all kinds of bugs floating on the water. Looking under the water, Dan sees some small crayfish at the bottom of the stream. As he is almost finished drink, Dan hears a rustling noise behind him.

Quickly glimpsing behind himself, Dan sees a big black snake slithering up behind him. Dan quickly dashes away from the snake to the closest tree. He quickly climbs up to tree to get away from the snake. Once he is up the tree, he looks down to see if the snake is still chasing him. Looking down, Dan sees the snake climbing up the tree. He swiftly jumps down to the ground and sprints away from it. The snake has a bigger body than he does, so he thinks it should run out of stamina quickly.

After running for four minutes without rest, Dan is exhausted. He turns around and sees that the snake is gone, he has lost it. Dan looks around to find out where he is and finds that he is near his home. "Man, I am worn out. The next time I go to get water, I need to be super careful and watch out for that snake."

Soon after catching his breath, Dan goes searching for food again. He eats a few things while searching for a jackpot, a few ants, a millipede, a ladybug.

Going quite a distance away from his home, Dan found the jackpot of bio-energy. He sees a tree infested with aphids.