Looking up at the aphid infested tree, Dan grows excited by the amount of bio-energy he could potentially obtain. Calming himself down, Dan slowly sneaks up close the aphids making sure he is not noticed.
Once Dan is within striking distance, he bolts toward them as fast as he can, eating them mouthfuls at a time. After about one minute of frantically eating as many aphids as he could, Dan stops as most of the aphids are now far out of his reach, and he is completely stuffed. He is so full he can hardly move. He managed to get 5.43 bio-energy from all the aphids he ate. Dan decides to lay down and rest where he is since he is so full.
Back in civilization, his family has been freaking out since yesterday. "Honey, have the police found anything yet. Dan has been missing for almost two days," says the red-haired woman who looks to be in her late 30's to her husband, Eric, a brown-haired muscular man who looks like he is in his 30's as well.
"I know Rose, dear, but the police are doing everything they can. They have already begun organizing a search party, and Emma is asking around the school to see if anyone knows anything," the muscular man says to Rose, his wife.
As they were talking, a brown-haired teenage girl walks through the door. It was their daughter Emma. "Mom, Dad, I found out where Dan was seen last. Qin, a senior, saw Dan walking by Matt Walton's house, the one by the forest, on his way home. We need to head to the police station so I can tell them," Emma says in a hurried and distressed tone.
"Matt Walton, Mad Matt, that crazy fellow," both Rose and Eric say at the same time.
"He better not have done anything to my boy," Rose says, both scared and angry.
"We need to hurry over to the police station. Can you get the car keys, Emma, while I put my boots on," Eric asks as he stands up to get his shoes?
After heading down to the police station and Emma telling them what she learned, they started looking into it immediately. They sent a unit over to Matt Walton's house to see what he knew. In an hour, the unit reported back that Matt was not home. His car was not there either. When they looked through the window, it did not look anyone had been staying there for at least a few days. Thinking it highly suspicious, the police put out an APB for him.
The police informed Eric, Rose, and Emma about what they found out and how they believe it could be a kidnapping. They were shocked as the police officer told them that and had a family hug as they began to weep.
"Bro, please be okay," Emma says quietly to herself.
Deep inside the forest, Dan wakes up from his long nap. "Ahhhh, I had a dream about my family," Dan says to himself with a yawn. "I hope they are doing alright... no no no can't dwell on that or I won't get anything done," Dan says to himself, trying not to get caught up in his emotions.
Dan gets up on his feet and goes down to the ground. Then he goes into the Mutation Menu and purchases Scale Resistance level 2 for four bio-energy. Purchasing it, the same unimaginable itchy sensation as last time comes over him.
After finishing rolling wildly around on the ground, trying to scratch the itch, Dan gets up to see his scales were on the ground again. "I guess I will shed my scales every time I upgrade my Scale Resistance."
Dan decides to find an ant and let it attack him to see how good his new scales are. He finds a black ant by its self after a few minutes of searching. He runs in front of the ant and hits it, so the ant knows he is a threat. The ant starts trying to desperately bite Dan, but Dan could hardly feel it as his scales are too tough. "I thought ants could sting, but apparently these kinds of ants can not," Dan reasons as it had not once tried to sting him.
Right when Dan is about to eat the ant, perceiving that the ants are no longer a threat to him, the ant dashes toward Dan's eye. Dan quickly turns his head and kills the ant. He realizes at that moment although his scales are strong enough to resist the ant, his eyes are not. He could have very well been blinded if his reflexes were not fast enough. Dan learned a valuable lesson from this, never let your guard down no matter how sure you are of victory until the opponent is truly defeated.