Chapter 5

Dan goes looking for the snake by the stream. Once Dan caught the snake's attention, he would have to sprint for about seven to ten minutes to get to the anthill. As Dan searches for the snake, he plans possible ways to escape or routes to take to lose it if it gets too close to him.

After around eight minutes, Dan finds the snake curled up near a rock by the stream. It seems that the snake is resting. Dan stays a safe distance away so as not to wake the snake up. He makes sure the path to the anthill is clear, then he picks up a rock with his tail and throws it at the snake.

The snake immediately lifts its head and looks around to find out what is going on. Dan throws another rock to make sure the snake chases after him. The snake bolts after Dan, he quickly runs toward the anthill.

While leading the snake to the ants, Dan turns his head to look how far the snake is behind him. It seems that it is just a little bit slower than Dan.

After about eight minutes of running, Dan arrives at the anthill with the snake right behind him. Dan uses his tail to disturb the anthill so they would be on full alert when the snake gets close enough. Dan immediately climbs the nearby tree and waits for the snake to get swarmed by ants.

A few seconds after getting up the tree, the snake arrives and is swarmed by the ants. Dan watches as the snake tosses around frantically trying to get the ants off of it. While the snake is trying to get the ants off, it hits the anthill cause part of it to fall off and more ants to pour out and swarm it further.

The snake starts bleeding from all the attacks. It tries to escape, but it is too late. After a few minutes the snake bleeds out, and the ant's numbers have been significantly thinned out.

Dan climbs down from the tree and starts killing off the remaining ants. Dan has no real trouble killing the ants as long as he protected his eyes because his scales are much stronger than the snakes. Even as the hundreds of ants swarm him, he is not hurt what-so-ever.

Following a nearly hour-long exhaustive fight of killing hundreds of ants at a time, Dan finishes killing all the ants. The snake killed at least 30,000 ants before it died, and Dan killed the rest of the ants he could see, about 20,000. "I thought ant colonies have millions of ants in them. I guess these ants don't do that, or maybe it is an immature colony," Dan speculates to himself.

Dan eats as many ants as he can before deciding what to do with the snake. Eating a couple hundred ants, Dan gets a notification from the system.

[Hidden ability of Monster Evolution System, Devour, unlocked by eating 200 creatures.]

"Wow, that"s cool, what does that do," Dan wonders to himself while looking at the message. While looking at Davour, he tries to use Identify and works.

[Devour: Special ability of the Monster Evolution. For every bio-energy point of something you eat, you have a one percent chance to gain a skill or ability that something your eating has.]

"So Identify can also be used this way," Dan thinks to himself.

Dan drags the snake back to his home so he can eat it later. He would have to come back to get the ants after he put away the snake.

While dragging the snake back, Dan has to stop several times to catch his breath because the snake is so heavy. After the sixth time of catching his breath, he arrives underneath the tree of his home. Dan strains to climb the tree so he can bring the snake into his home where it will be safe from other animals.

"Damn, that was hard. Now I just have to find a way to bring the ants back," Dan thinks to himself.

Dan walks back to the anthill to find out how to deal with all the dead ants. On his way there, Dan sees a piece of bark that would be great for hauling back all the ants. Dan picks it up with his tail and drags it along to the anthill.

Arriving at the anthill, Dan stacks hundreds of ants on the bark to the point that they are almost falling off. He then, slow and carefully, drags the ants back to his tree. After a few round trips, he manages to stack all the ants underneath his tree. He can't take them up to his home as there are simply too many, so he grabs a bunch of leaves to hide it.

Working up an appetite from all the work he is doing, Dan decides to go up to his home and start snacking on the snake.

Before Dan starts to eat the snake, he decides to use Identify on it.

[N/A Water Moccasin

Threat Level: Minimal (Dead) Worth: 80 Bio-energy

Note: A young water moccasin. It is mostly avoided by all animals in the forest because of its potent venom. This water moccasin seems to have traveled quite some distance from where it was born. When eating the snake be careful of its venom glands.]

"So it is a water moccasin, good thing I did not take it on by myself. Though I don't think its fangs could pierce my scales," Dan thinks to himself. "When I finish eating the snake, I should have enough to evolve fully."

Dan eating the snake, notices that even after he ate two bio-energy worth of the snake, he is not even slightly full. He reasons that since he evolved, now he can eat more. After eating a total of three and a half bio-energy, he is feeling full. Though he thinks he could probably eat six bio-energy if he had to.