Chapter 6

For the rest of the day, Dan ate parts of the snake on and off until nightfall. He managed to eat seven bio-energy before the sun set. He goes to sleep content.

Meanwhile, back in civilization, Dan's family is extremely depressed, Dan has been missing for four days and, the police have not found anything other than suspecting Matt Walton of kidnapping him.

The phone ring in Dan's family home and Rose goes to answer it. "Hello, who is this?"

"This is Sheriff Ron. I am calling to tell you the search party has scoured the whole forest by Matt Walton's house, but there is no sign of your boy. We will continue investigating assuming that Matt fled the county. We have already released a description of Matt's vehicle and his plate numbers to all surrounding states. Do you have any questions you want to ask me," Ron asks her?

"No, no, I don't have any questions," Rose says in a defeated, almost lifeless manner.

"Who was that dear? Was that the police, did they find out anything," Eric asks?

"Yes, it was the police, but they were just calling to tell us that the search party has finished looking and they did not find any... *sniff* thing," Rose tells Eric as she begins sobbing.

"Come here, dear," Eric says while holding his arms out for a hug. Rose goes over to Eric, and they embrace each other. "We can't give up hope I am sure wherever Dan is, he is trying his best to get back home. All we can do right now is to stay strong, continue doing to best to find him, and pray for a miracle. We must stay strong for Emma. It has been so hard on her these past few days. I heard her crying in her sleep last night when I went to check on her," Eric says with a lump in his throat while holding Rose tightly.

"I know, honey, I know we need to be strong, but it just hurts so much," Rose says with tears in her eyes.

Back in the forest with Dan, he has spent most of the morning using Identify on animals in the forest. After doing it for an hour, Dan made a realization. Everything is worth about 10% less bio-energy ever since he evolved. Dan was slightly disappointed by that but figured it was to balance everything out.

While Dan is out using Identify on everything he can find, something catches his eye.

[Physalis(Ground Cherry)

Worth: 1 Bio-energy

Note: A plant that usually grows in warm temperate and subtropical regions of the world. The fruit has the texture of tomato and tastes like strawberries or pineapple, with mild acidity.]

"Plants really don't have a threat level. I have checked at least 14 plants, and Identify only shows how much they're worth. I suppose Identify is too low level or something to tell me if it is poisonous or not. I will have to rely on my knowledge and hope that applies to being a lizard," Dan thinks to himself while trying to remember anything he knows about ground cherries. "Oh ya, my dad told me that his grandmother used to make ground cherry pies, so they must be edible." After eating one of the fruits on the bush, Dan goes back to his tree to rest.

Waking up an hour later, Dan feels very nauseous. "What wrong with me? I feel awful." Dan vomits up what he ate last.

[-0.5 Biomass]

[Unlocked Lesser Poison Resistance in Mutation Menu.]

"I was poisoned, how? Maybe it was that ground cherry. It could be a food you have to cook to get rid of the poison? I will not eat those again. I did get something cool out of it though."

[ Mutation Menu

Evolution: 1/3 (30 Bio-energy) Species Evolutions: (Locked)

Scale Resistance: level 2 Teeth: level 0 Lesser Venom: level 0

Robust Digestion: level 0 Lesser Poison Resistance: level 0]

"Robust Digestion, when did I unlock that? Maybe I unlocked it when I evolved," Dan thinks to himself. Dan then uses Identify on Robust Digestion.

[Robust Digestion: Allows you to eat many different kinds of plants and animals easier and more efficiently without as many damaging effects.]

"That does not tell me all that much, but I think it should allow me more options, and it could protect me from food poisoning," Dan surmises. "I have enough to get both, so I will."

Purchasing both of them at once, Dan felt like his insides were on fire. He could barely stay conscious from all the pain, then a few moments later, the pain vanished like it was never there.

"I will never purchase two abilities at once again. That was the worst thing I have experienced in my whole life," Dan swears to himself.

With his suffering over and feeling a lot better since throwing up, Dan goes back to eat a little bit of the snake then finish his nap.

Waking from his nap, Dan decides to see if Robust Digestion allows him to eat more. He starts eating the snake, and he gets full at three bio-energy like normal. Dan waited for one hour, and he could eat again. He usually had to wait two to three hours before he could eat again. Robust Digestion speeds up his digestion significantly.

[Main Quest: Connoisseur of All

Quest Objective: Eat as many kinds of plants and as you can within three days.

Reward: Based on how many kinds of things you eat you will receive better rewards.

Punishment: None

Note: You only have to eat some of the plant or animal to count. All plants and animals count even poisonous and rotten ones count.]