After Emma leaves, Dan exits the shoebox and climbs out of the window to find something to eat. "Since the students had to eat something yesterday, there must be some thrown out food in the garbage," Dan reasons. "Eating from the garbage won't help my dignity much, but I gotta work with what I got. And it not like anyone with ever know I did," he says to himself to try and feel better about it.
Looking around for a few minutes, Dan finds the garbage bin where they should have thrown any food that wasn't eaten. And lucky for him, one of the lids is still open.
Climbing into the dumpster, Dan finds all kinds of half-eaten food. He would not even consider eating any of it if it weren't for Iron Stomach. With it, he could eat almost anything and not worry about getting sick. He wondered how far the ability extended to. He was tempted to try and eat a rock or some dirt after he got the ability, but decided to ease his way to that as to be cautious. He did not want to risk breaking his teeth and not being able to eat certain things.
Dan eats all kinds of foods for the dumpster: scraps of bacon, a piece of orange, some scrambled eggs, and lots of other things. After eating all that food, Dan notices something that he should have probably realized earlier as he was eating all that food. With Iron Stomach, Dan could now eat more than his own body weight, and since he did not feel bloated, that means he is digesting food as fast or faster than he consumed it. "As long as I don't eat too quickly, I may be able to continuously eat forever," Dan theorizes.
Dan finished eating feeling satiated but also felt like he could eat more if he wanted to. As Dan is inside the dumpster, he sees some cardboard and decides to eat it to start testing what he can eat with Iron Stomach. He bites off a little less than a mouth full and begins chewing. After chewing for a while, Dan looks around and finds a not quite empty container of juice to help him swallow the dry cardboard. He then looks through his bio-energy notifications to see if it gave him any bio-energy. He had the system change the bio-energy notifications into a list instead of the constant notifications he was getting at the start.
[Consumed Cardboard. +0.1 Bio-energy]
Seeing the meager amount of bio-energy it gave him, Dan is slightly disappointed but decides to be happy that he got any at all.
After getting out of the garbage, Dan goes to see what Emma is doing. He goes around the building to see if Emma has already left with the other students. Looking through the glass door, Dan sees students gathering behind a teacher, getting ready to set out.
A few minutes of waiting later, Dan sees a teacher leading the students out of the door. He hides as he watches the students leave the building.
"Remember, make sure you stay with your buddy at all times, so you don't get lost," Dan hears one of the teachers say.
Watching the student walk out of the door, he notices that they are all wearing bright orange bands on their arms, probably worn to make them more visible. Waiting a bit, Dan sees Emma with Catlin and starts to follow them. He stays just off the path so the students wouldn't step on him.
After following them for a while, Dan sees a flat area with tables and benches ahead of him. One of the teachers announces that they are going to take a break and hand out something to drink.
As the students are taking their seats and the teachers passing out water, Dan goes to the table where Emma and Catlin are sitting. He pulls Emma's pant leg to get her attention.
Looking down to see what is pulling on her pant leg, Emma sees the lizard. "Ah, what are you doing, little fella? How do you even get here, did you follow me," Emma questions?
"Who are you talking, Emma," Catlin asks?
Picking up the lizard and showing Catlin, Emma says, "Look who followed us all the way out here."
"Wow, he followed us up the trail, that's so cute. He must have missed us," Catlin says while scratching his head with her finder. "This guy is acting stranger and stranger. Did you bring some of that snack you were eating earlier, he might be hungry?"
"Hold him while I get the snack out of my back pocket," Emma states, Catlin, taking the lizard from her. She stands up and takes a crumpled up snack package out. "It may be a little crumbled, but I am sure it still tastes great," Emma says while holding her hand full of the crumbled snack out to the lizard.
Dan starts eating it as he hears the teachers tell everyone to quiet down. When the students stop talking, one of the teachers starts teaching everyone about types of rocks, how to identify them, and other things related to geology or nature.
After waiting a while, Dan hears the teacher stop teaching and instead instructs them to do something else. "Alright, everyone, we are going a bit further up the trail to search for geodes and a few other types of rocks. Make sure you give your finished water bottles to a teacher or keep them with you if you are not finished."
"I got to go, fella. I would feel better if you go back to the room, so I don't have to worry about you," Emma says, putting the lizard back down on the ground and pointing down the trail. "I will be back in a few hours."
Dan hears what she is telling him, but he had already come up with a plan when he heard the teacher say they were going to be trying to find geodes and other types of rock. If he could bring a geode of some other type of rock she needs, she might finally realize that he is not just some strange lizard. He goes off in search of geodes or any cool rocks.