Chapter 14

Going into the forest after separating from Emma, Dan starts searching for a creek or a stream, as that is where he found his first geode. While searching for a stream, Dan continuously uses Identify on rocks he passes by to make sure he isn't missing anything.

After 15 to 20 minutes of searching, Dan sees a small stream with barely any water flowing down it. "Good thing I can use the trees to search, or it could have taken me hours to find this stream," Dan thinks to himself while searching in and around the stream channel. A few minutes of using Identify to speed up the process later, he finds a geode though it looks like a small round rock.

[Quartz Geode

Note: A type of rock that has a hollow inside lined with quartz crystals. Considered to be somewhat valuable if sold.]

Picking up the rock in his mouth, Dan climbs a nearby tree and drops the geode to crack it open. As he goes down and picks up the bigger half of the geode with his mouth, Dan notices that his teeth don't hurt from lifting it and recalls that they did not hurt when he picked it up the first time either. "My teeth must be incredibly strong now," Dan thinks to himself, giving him more confidence to try eating harder things.

Walking back to the trail, Dan walks up in the direction where Emma and the rest of the class went. A few minutes of walking up the path, he sees them sorting through rocks. Dan looks around and sees Emma and Catlin sitting together. Dan searches around to make sure no other students are near then brings the geode over to Emma. He pokes her with his tail to get her attention.

Emma looks to see what's touching her and sees it is once again the lizard. "I thought I told you to go back. Hang on, is that a geode in your mouth? Why do you have that? Did you bring it to me? How could you even know I needed it?" Emma question? "Unless..." she says as realization dawn on her. "Unless you could understand what the teacher was saying, but that's impossible an animal, especially a lizard, could not understand English that well," she says to herself. Taking a few deep breaths, she calms down and resolves to test if it true. "Alright, if you can really understand me, spin to the right two times, then spin to the left three times."

Dan does exactly as she told him to then stops to see if what she wanted him to do next. Dan sees frozen with her mouth open.

After Emma stopped being stunned, she starts speaking to the lizard again, "So you can understand English," she states. Dan nods his head in agreement. "You even understand nodding, that's amazing! What are you, are you some lab experiment run away? Or maybe a spirit possessing a lizard? Or you could just be a super intelligent lizard, I suppose," Emma rambles, as thousands of scenarios go through her mind.

"Emma, who are you talking to," Catlin asks as she comes over?

"Oh, Catlin, you're not going to believe this, that lizard we have been playing with can understand English. He brought a geode because he heard the teacher talk about it. Now that I think about it, how did he even know what a geode is," Emma asks?

"Understand English, that's impossible, even the most intelligent animals hardly understand us. He probably just pick up a rock then brought it back to us." Catlin says, denying it outright.

"It's true, tell him to do something that you would think is impossible if he did not understand us," Emma tells Catlin.

"Okay, I guess it wouldn't hurt," Catlin says, still having trouble believing her. "If you can truly understand me, pick up a rock, walk back and forth, then spin to the left three times, and after that put the rock down."

Dan follows Catlin's instructions, then looks up to Catlin to again see a frozen face with her mouth open as Emma had before.

"This is INCREDIBLE! AMAZING! How is this possible," Catlin asks herself? "Is he some kind of mutant or lab experiment," Catlin asks, this time the question directed at Emma?

"I have no clue," Emma says to Catlin. "Can you give us a clue, little fella?"

Dan scans around of a flattish rock surface to write on. Finding a large flat rock, he goes over to it and scratches "Dan" in it with his claws.

The girls go over to see what he is doing and find the rock with "Dan" wrote on it. "Why did you write my brother's name? Do you know where he is? Did he send you to find me," Emma franticly asks?

"This is great, maybe this guy knows where Dan is," Catlin says excitedly.

Just as Catlin finished talking, a teacher yells, "Alright, students, come back to the gathering area, it is time to see what you have found."

"Get in my pocket little guy. I still need to talk to you after the teacher is finished with us," Emma says, opening her pocket.

Dan gets in her pocket and waits as the teacher examins and teachers about the rocks. Dan hears the teacher come toward him, Catlin, and Emma. "Alright, Emma and Catlin, show me what you found," the teacher says then they take out their rocks. "Wow, great job you two, you found a plant fossil, a few limestone rocks, a piece of coal, and even a quartz geode. Only one other group has found a geode, and no other group has found a plant fossil," the teacher states happily.

Dan rests while waiting for the teacher to finish with all the students.

"Everyone, it is time to go back for lunch, make sure you are not leaving anything behind," a teacher says. "After you all finish eating, you need to get paper and a pencil from one of the teachers and write nine paragraphs on the things you have learned today. Once you are finished, give it to one of the teachers."

Getting close to the building, Emma picks Dan up out of her pocket and whispers, "Go back to the room, I will be up after I finish eating." Dan goes back to the room and waits for her.

After about 15 minutes, Dan hears the door open and sees Emma and Catlin come in. "Alright, little guy, we have a whole lot to talk about."