Big thoughts~

I walk back into Kris' common room, from the kitchen, and sit down on the floor, in front of his couch. I open my soda and go to take a sip, when he asks me why I didn't tell him I saw Taiko again. I look at him, take a sip, and think about what to say.

"I just didn't think of it...", I say. "Really, so you just forgot about him asking you out, again~, as soon as you left?!? I think not!!!", he says as he lifts his nose up, and crosses his arms. "You can be such a pain in the ass at times, you know that? You're a real drama queen~", I say in an upset tone, and then pretend to be pouty. He pouts, and flails his arms about. "I am not!~"

Ren walks into the room, now, and asks why Kris is going off now. Before I can say a word, he proves my point for me. Haha~

"So are you gonna tell me about it, if what?", he asks me. "Tell you about what?", I say, pretending not yo have as to, as to what he means. "Awwwnnnn~ C'mon, stop being such a jerk!!"

Ren opens his soda, and sits down next to me. "Nothing really happened, it's just like I said, we were talking, when he came up and asked her out again. We all introduced ourselves, then we made plans to meet up on Saturday, around 10ish... That's really it...", Ren explains. I shake my head yes. "Yeah, that's the gist of it, I mean, like I said, it wasn't anything big..."

"Yeah, well, coming from someone who everyone seems to find attractive, and who has been asked out, by a gay guy, just 'cause you cut your hair?!?... Hugghh~ It's a pretty big deal. I have yet to be asked out...", Kris says to me. I sigh. "There really is no getting through to you, is there...", I whisper to myself. Ren nudges my side, in agreeance.

"You know, you could always ask people out... You don't have to wait for them...", Ren says. "Yeah, well, I gave up on that a long time ago... It has NEVER worked out in my favor, so I figure, why embarrass myself, when I could just let people approach me??", Kris says so confidently, I'm about confused... ~Why though? Why would you be confident about giving up, and being turned down so many times?...~

Ren shifts his pose, a bit. "So, I thought that we were here to discuss our deal, not your ever present need for drama..." I shrug. ~At this point, I honestly don't know anymore...~ Ren elbows me. "Jeez, what- ??" ~Oh God! Here it comes!~ He smirks ~Its official, it's a species of its own, I swear, it's controlling him now...~ "What's that supposed to mean??", I ask him. "It's just, you seem a little more eager about this, more than usual..." I scowl. "Yeah, so what if I am. I just wanna get out of my house, as soon as I can... Why would I stay?? It's hell there! I hate it! Besides, if it means that I get a break from my Aunt, and I get to hang out with you guys, I think I should be allowed to be a little eager..."

He smiles. "Hehe, you smiled, when you said that last bit... We made you smile~ And you can't take it back!!!", he says to my in a very cheeky and almost flaunting voice. ~Dammit!! Fuck! I sorta did smile, a little bit... they're going to pester me about this for a long time now... Damn.~ I hit him in the arm. "Don't take it as much. I told you, I've not been myself today..." He smiles once more.

At this time, I notice that Kris has completely shut up. This is pretty unusual for him, so I felt a bit concerned... I look over.

*Mouth hanging on the floor, eyes gone full excited female anime character*

"Oh- *Instant comprehension* Ok, what now?" Kris speaks up, "You... And Ren... You guys like each other, don't you? That's why you get so happy around him... And clearly, he's pretty open about liking you, but as a casual affair... What happened? How did I miss this? Are you guys dati-" I cut him off, "Stop coming up with irrational and crazy ideas. True I get sorta happy, when you guys, as in the both of you, are around. It's not just one or the other. And Ren is just like that, so don't get any ideas... I'm really not in the mood for anymore drama, today..."

Ren pokes my side. I look over, and up, at him. "We're are nothing more than close friends... You know that, it's no different than you and her or you and I, ok? No need for jealousy.", he says, then he smiles. Kris loosens up a bit, "Yeah, I'm sorry, I just really want someone to feel that way about me...", he says. "Let's not start a super cliché scene here... This is getting really cheesey", I say.

They start laughing, and try to muster out some words of agreeance. I take my boots off, and throw them over to the corner. "Ok, let's hurry up and talk about what we're here for, yeah?" I laugh a bit, at how utterly stupid the two look.

"C'mon, hypocrite, look who's laughin' now!!", Kris sticks his tongue out, as he says this to me. I stop, and begin speaking about the deal.

"*Clears throat* So, how are we gonna do this? I get the basics, I'm gonna work at Ren's restaurant, but what about everything else?.."

"I've given it a good thought", Kris says, "And, I think that you should come back to school a week after it starts back up... That way, you'll be the new student, no one will know you, and no one will think anything more of you... Also, if any people from school come to the restaurant, and recognize you, you won't be a girl, posing as a boy, yanno?" Ren, who looks so serious about this, it's kinda scary, slowly, nods his head, then smiles. *Hugh, that makes me feel a little better...~

"Yeah, and that way, you can start working at the restaurant before hand. This should work... Now, about our terms... You can't let anyone find out that your a girl... You have to be asked out, as a guy, at a minimum of three times, and we should probably get you out of your house before hand. I'll buy all your uniforms, and everything else that you need. I want this to succeed, it's a good opportunity, for all of us. And, I want you away from your Aunt... Such a cruel woman... It'll all work out, for the better. I can't wait!", Ren gives us a small speech. I smirk.

"Yeah, I guess it is, I can't either."