
I leave Kris' apartment, with Ren, and then we both go our separate ways. I turn the corner, as he continues going down the road. I figure that I should probably go to the grocery, and get some stuff for dinner. Theres one down the road, and it's not too far out of the way, to my house... So I decide that I will. I walk into Grocery's Grocery, and pick out some Ramen and vegetables. As I'm leaving, I see something that catches me off guard.

Someone, who looks like Ren, is kissing a girl... Though it couldn't be him, I saw him go his separate way. Or could it? I dunno... For whatever reason, this kind of hurts me, inside... Whatever, even if it is him, it's not like there's anything between us... We're just friends, and I don't give two shits, if kisses someone, that's his business.

I continue walking down the street, distracted, a bit, by the idea of Ren having a girlfriend, and not telling us... "Maybe- Maybe it's just so Kris doesn't get jealous... It's probably not even Ren... Hmmm...", I whisper, under my breath. I turn on to my street and-


I run straight into a sign, and fall down. "Ahhhh~ Fuck! Dammit! Gahh!", I shout! I'm so aggravated, I was being so nosy, and it distracted me! Dammit! - This is just karma... ~Damn.~ I get up. my face hurts, and my back too, but other than that, I'm fine.

Finally~, I get to my apartment. My aunt's out on a business trip, untill Tuesday, which means I can be at peace. I open the door, and walk in. "Hugggh~ Finally! I can just take a breather, now. Today was such a pain in the ass~" I put the Ramen into a pot if water, on the stove, and start to dice the veggies. ~yum~

Once I'm done with the vegetables, I make my way to the restroom, to wash my hands and face, before dinner. I turn on the faucet, for the hot water, and leave it running, for a moment. I go to my room, put on a t-shirt and some shorts, and return to the bathroom. The water should be good and hot now... Hopefully it soothes my face, which, now that I see it in the mirror, looks like a smooshed plum.

I let the sink fill up with water. I cup my hands, and put the water to my face. I grab my cloth, next to the sink, and rub my sore face. It feels nice~ I pull the cloth away, and splash my face with the water.

~It feels really wet~

Go figure, seeing as I am washing it.

I rub my eyes and look up. My face... My hands... My whole head and shoulders... Everything is covered in blood! I feel a bit light headed, and dizzy. It's making me sick! I can't stand the sight... "Theh... There's so much...", my leg give way-

| I'm walking home from the farmers market, mother sent me, to get some bread and vegetables. I'm almost home, I hope she doesn't mind, I took a while. Father will be back from his work soon, too. She wants to have dinner ready for him, before he returns, it pleases him.

Father has been... Using me. He is sickly, and he thinks that I am the cure... I don't like it, but if it helps him, I don't mind. I don't know what exactly it is, but I know it's not good... Father is very weak, and can't afford to be injured, in the slightest. He has a few diseases, I think, that's why...

He heals 4x slower, than the average human... So something that would take a normal person a few days, takes him a few weeks. He also has very thin blood, and bleed very easily. These two factors added together, make it very difficult for him, even with minor injuries.

This is where I come in. Seeing as I am young, and strong, and I have a good imune system, I'm the perfect test subject... He's trying to figure out how to make blood thicker, and how to make a person never run out- to have a surplus of it... He's also testing out different things, to see if I heal faster, or slower... It's a real pain, but that's ok.

Father says that if mother gets in the way, or tries to stop it, that he will get rid of her... It scares me. Mother is good, and father is too... They just have complicated spirits... I guess~

I enter the house.

Father and mother moved here because it's out of the way, which is good for research purposes...

I call out to mother, saying that "I'm back". No one answers... I set the food down, on our table, and begin to search for my parents. I figure that father is in his study, if he's home, so I start to go there. As I'm walking, something makes my spine tingle... I don't like it.

I knock on the study door, but he doesn't answer. When father is deep in concentration, he tends to block all else out. I turn the nob, and try to push the door. Something is blocking it, so I push it a little harder. It still doesn't budge, so I ram into it. Before I can enter, something makes my stomach turn. I can smell something, faintly.

I look down, at my bare feet, which now feel wet.

They're red... Completely red. "Wha- No. What is this?? No... No... No. No! No! No! No! No!!!~ Why?? it can't be!! Father!!", I scream. Barely able to hold myself up, I stumble into the room, and slam the door, revealing my father lying in the ground, in a pool of blood! "Father!!!", I yell. "No, no, please, we were so close to curing you!"

I look around the room, "How did this happen??", I ask myself. I look at father once more. The sight makes me sick. I turn my head away, and vomit. I look back. I have to figure out how this happened... His wrist... It's got a large slit in it... Both do. I vomit once more. I'm starting to feel light-headed, I can barely breath, or stand, or see...

I look around the room... "Where's mother??", I ponder. I walk towards the back, around the bookshelf, and table. She too, is lying on the floor, drenched in blood. A bat, near her head, is also covered in blood. "No!"

"In the 40 minutes I was gone, mother and father died... Did father kill mother, then commit suicide?? - No!~" I begin to sob. I try to stand, but find myself unable to... "Mother, father!", I cry.|

Something touches my back, and arms...

I wake up.

I look up- Someone is sitting on the floor, holding me in their arms...

"R- *cough* Ren?", I choke, as I speak.

"It's ok, I'm here now."