Post cogitationes...

I walk into my room, and hand Ren a bowl of ramen.

Ren's sitting in the side of my bed, probably thinking about what to say... I speak up, "Uh, um... C- Careful, the ramen's hot..." Ren nods his head. "Thanks, for the ramen... I appreciate it", he smiles cheekily. "Oh, no prob.", I say. He blows on the ramen, and takes a bite.

"Hey, so... I hate to bring it up but-", he starts. "I'm fine, don't worry... It was only-", I stop, I can't even get myself to say it. I sigh. Ren frowns. "You don't have to say it, I know how hard it is... Plus, I already know, so don't worry about it... I'm sorry that I even brought it up.", the corners of his mouth turn up just a little.

"I have a question...", I say. "Sthoot (Shoot*)", he says with a mouthful of Ramen. I nod my head. "Okay, so, how did you end up at my house?..", I ask him. He swallows his bite. "Well... Hummm...", he stares for a moment. "I have something for you... I was gonna give it to you, before we got to Kris' appartement, but we got interrupted, so I forgot..." ~Hehe, goldfish... That makes two of us.~ "I only remembered after we went out separate ways, cuz I reached into my jacket for my keys... I started back towards you house, but-"

"Did you kiss a girl?...", I ask him. I could help but to chime in, it's been bugging me... "*Clears throat* Hum, well, no. A girl kissed me... How'd you know?" I blush a bit. "Well,I was paying when I saw you... Haha, ok, it was bothering me, so I had to ask..." "Heh. So... I knew her last year, and she was crushing on me, but I cut off all ties, cuz she started being crazy...-"

"Oh... Ok, so when she saw you again, she took her chance?...", I say. "Yeah, I guess. I pushed her away, and said not to bother me anymore, and I continued to your house. When I got to your apartment and and rung the bell, you didn't answer... So after about five minutes of waiting, and trying to call you, I used the spare key to get in... When I got in, the ramen was boiling over and you were nowhere to be seen... I turned the burner off, and tried to find you. I called your name but you didn't answer, do I became pretty worried... *Blushes* I went to your room, but you weren't there... When I turned to got to the bathroom, I saw a pool of blood on the floor... I was so scared that you committed suicide or something... I opened the door, and thought that my greatest fear had come true..." He sighs.

I have nothing to say, and listen intently, as the story unravels... "I'm sorry for intruding, but something told me that you weren't ok...", he takes a breath. "Thanks... A- And, don't be sorry... You were just looking out for me." I sigh. "I feel like I should hug him... Gah, today's such an off day... Alright, deep breath...", I ponder. I lean in, and hug him. He pulls me in tighter and I rap my arms around his neck... "I want to kiss him- But I can't... Today's just been weird, so I'm feeling things that aren't real...", I think. I almost push him away, but this hug is the best thing that's happened to me so far...

After another minute or so, we stop hugging. He smiles. I smirk, and stuff my face with ramen. "Gah, hehe, you're a really asshole sometimes, you know that...", he laughs. I shrug, and continue stuffing my face. "Wanw, uff hoo donhff liehnff ut, ah canff hupff hoo... (Well, if you don't like it, I can't help you...) *Gulp* Deal with it.", I sass. ~Hehe~

"Is the stain still there?", he asks. "Nah, I got all the blood out... A- After you mopped it up... Heh, thanks, I guess.", I say. "Heheh, sure thing- You guess?!? Gosh, your awful!" "Thanks, but next time tell me something I don't already know.", I stick my tongue out. Ren takes a bite of ramen. "Nya~~~", I tease.

He blushes, and tries not to spit out the door, from laughing. "Haha, you're so stupid-" "It's coming out of my nose!!!!", he exclaims. I die. "What?!? Damn, I stand corrected... you're a full blown idiot! Damn Ren, get a hold of yourself!", I joke as I punch him in the arm. "Oh~ you're- one to talk, little miss- 'I was so preoccupied- by that girl who kissed Ren, that I- crashed into a sign'~", he says in between breaths. We both laugh. "Ha- How'd you even know about that?!?", I ask, while laughing.

"Well, I mat be stupid, but I still get along...", he teases.

Me: "..."

"What?!? Good Lord, nevermind. That was a good laugh.", I say. "Yeah, no joke, hehe~", he says. "Pun intended*~", he smirks. "That pun was dumb.", I say completely serious. We both start laughing again.

When we stop, Ren smirks again. "Hey smirkey, you got a problem???", I demand. I stand, and grab his empty bowl. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't", he tells me. "Either way, I'm sure you've noticed, my smirk has manifested-" "Yeah! Into a species if its own!!!", I collapse, from all the laughing. We both have one final laugh. "We should probably try to take a break, from laughing...", Ren says. "I'm getting light headed, and I'm sure you are too... He would want you to pass out again...", I lifts his hand the the back of his head, and smiles nervously.

"Yeah, I guess so. It's true, we should stop, but only cuz I think I'll barf if I laugh anymore... Don't worry about me though... If you do... Hmm, I'll punch you." "Hehe, jeez, ok meanie, I'll stop being nice and worrying about your well-being...", he sticks his tongue out. "Yes, thank you.", I say in a snobby voice. He chuckles. "What're you laughing at now?!?", I sigh. "Are you saying thank you because I called you a meanie, or because I'm going to 'stop' worrying about you?...", he asks. "Both?", I smirk. "Ha-ha! The Smirkee has turned into the Smirkee!!", he exclaims. "You're turning into Kris", I say.

*Exe. Ren has stopped working*

~Rip Ren~

I pick up the bowls, and head to the kitchen. I turn on the faucet, and wash them. Two hands cover my eyes. "Ren, really?? What's your problem?", I ask. "Heh, sorry, I just felt like it." ~Lol, yeah, sure ya did~ I finish the dishes and Ren and go back to my room. We sit in the floor, and he starts up a conversation. We talk for a good while, and slowly, I start to fall asleep.

Before I completely pass out, I check the time; "It's 02:48!", I shout. Both Ren and I are startled by my shouting. ~Hehe, I'm so foolish~ "Really?!?", I asks. "Yeah", I say. "Dang, we talked for nearly 6 hours!!! I should leave...", he says. "Don't worry about it, you can stay here, for the night... Heh, I won't bite", I tease him. "Ok, thanks, I appreciate it.", he says. "Yeah, no problem", I say.

We keep talking, into the early hours of the morning, until, eventually, we both pass out, from exhaustion.