Devil meets the Priestess

A long time ago, a war between humans and mythical creatures begun due to Lucifer's power. He devours them by granting their hidden desires. Some mythical creatures same as the humans side were able to fight against his temptation, however he devours more from these races which leads to misunderstanding in each other's values. As the leaders feel uneasy to see their comrades suffering from Lucifer's spell, they decided to declare war to end up everything. Thus, whoever survives will reincarnate and whoever doesn't will perish and receives punishment. The leaders from both sides are aware of the consequences, but there's no other choice left.

"All the gods and goddesses will be with us. Whoever has a good intention will survive and whoever does not, will surely die" the oracle says

The people who remain were anxious. They were thinking that the war might end tragically instead of ending up those lives to those people who were under Lucifer.

"What should we do?" the leader of the human tribe asks the oracle as he thinks that there will be a chance that they will not able to defeat the monsters of hell

The oracle smiles..

"I told you, the one who has good intention for this battle will survive, trust your people"

A sound of wind from the outside enters through the hallway.

Oh? it's time already?

"Then what happened next?" asked the little girl

The lady smiled

"You are not crying anymore little fella, that's nice. So, probably I'll tell you next time"I say and caress her head

She smiled back

"Okay thank you for the story big sister. See you next time" she replied and slowly walked away

"I never knew that you're attached to kids"

The person suddenly appears

"A demigod should be on duty, what brings you here?" I asked

He smiled "You got some nerve, Priestess"

I smiled back " Yep, so what's up?"

"My device was broken so I need you to track someone"

"That's not my job. Decline"

"It's your job now" He says and suddenly disappears

geez. How come a demigod need a device to track someone? he could just use his mana. What the 😑

After class, I went to the shrine and changed clothes. Then, I sit like buddha infront of the main entrance of the shrine

"Let's begin" I say as I begun to meditate

After a few minutes

"What are you doing?"

I was surprised and suddenly stood up

As I looked upon.

I can describe that his a tall guy with red hair and red eyes while wearing a medieval suit

No.. red eyes...

"You... devil!" I say and hurriedly grab my holy bow and pointed out to his face


"You dare to come to my territory?" I fiercely asked but he just smiled

"You dare to call me and be like this?"

What a nerve. Call him? more like tracking him..

"Hmmm.. I just came back and this is what I've got *sigh"

I raised my left eyebrow

"You don't deserve to be here"

"Oww.. how rude of you, I didn't hurt you but you're so harsh. We just met" he says and suddenly disappears

I don't know but I felt some negative energy around my neck and to my surprise, he is very close. Too close...

"You can't defeat me with just a bow Priestess"

"Oh yeah?" I say and pushed him and struck the arrows directly, but unfortunately he was able dodge it quickly

damn. he's fast

"Too slow for a priestess" he commented

I smirked.

"I'm still warming up" I say and

"Miranaaaaa!" a familiar voice shouted from a far

Oh shoot..

The guy suddenly disappears like a wind and I cast a chant to hide my bow and arrow

"Oh? Crysta? What brings you here?" I asked as she runs towards my direction

"I felt something weird from this shrine" she says

This is bad. Crysta is one of the successor of the Guardians. She might able to awaken anytime soon

I suddenly chuckled and crossed arms

"Weird? I think you're just imagining some things" I said

"Nah, my gut feelings are telling me that this place needs another purification" she said and pouts like a child


I was dumbfounded that I couldn't utter a word. Could she be?


"This place needs to be purified"

"But this is the land of gods and goddesses, why does it need to be purified if its pure already?" The council asked the Guardian

The Guardian was annoyed and face the council with pride

"This place is not always be a land of heavenly beings , you all must think what I actually meant to say " The Guardian disappears into dust and after a few moments, everything inside went into chaos

"My child, you must live" an elder says as she toss an infant into the clouds of wisdom

The child didn't have any strength and just cried endlessly as the other spirits made a barrier for her to conceal her voice to avoid attention to the intruders

And as the legend goes by..

The survivors were turn into slaves of hell.

But somewhere.. the child heard a familiar voice..


what was that?



"Mirana pleaseeee! Wake up!"

I don't understand. Why?

I slowly open my eyes and I can see Crysta crying infront of me

"Oh thank goodness!"

I touched my head and looked at her in confusion

"What happened?" I asked her

She holds my hand as if its something that I shouldn't know

I made a sigh. Mikael if you're here to witness this situation, please tell me by using telepathy

But no matter how I tried to reach him, he didn't respond

I made a facepalm

"Mirana, you should not push yourself" Crysta says while comforting me

"No, its fine Crysta" I say

"I'll tell you everything after you discharge from this place" she said and hugged me

I don't know, I'm kinda confused that I can't utter another word but end up on agreeing to Crysta. I don't have any idea what happend to me but I'm pretty sure that I still have my psychic and priestess powers