Mikael Claus, the demigod

When both of us reached to the shrine, Crysta suddenly stops walking

"I know this sounds strange there's a mark on your forehead when you fainted awhile ago"

She said while looking straight into my eyes

Sigh.. I guess I'll just tell her

"Crysta, it's fine. I know that already" I said with a smile

I turned around and walk slowly to the entrance

"Do you believe in gods? goddesses? " I suddenly asked without facing her

The wind passes around us as the leaves of the trees seems like waving to us.

Clumsy priestess. What's wrong with you?

A familiar voice talks right in my mind. Geez, what a bad timing. However, I can't help it and just smiled, knowing that he's fine.

"I was trying to call you, stupid demigod"

"You dare to call me stupid? you lowly priestess?"

Even I can't see his face, it looks like he's kinda annoyed and I like it that way.

"Mirana?" Crysta interrupted


"you're spacing out" she said with a pokerface

"Oh.. haha, did I?"

Yeah you did, Mikael answers

Opps I forgot, he's still connected with telepathy

"Could you please get out of my mind? And don't bother us"

"Nah, I'll just listen, I won't bother you two" he replied


"Mirana? I think I better should go now and let's just forget what happened lately" Crysta says

I guess she was kinda surprised

"hmmm yeah, be safe" I replied with a smile and waved goodbye to her

Before she gets too far, I summoned my spiritual pet

"What a cute bunny" Mikael commented but I just ignore him

"Follow and protect her if anything bad happens" I say then my spiritual pet flew and followed Crysta

After a few moment of silence, a familiar presence suddenly appears infront of me.

For all the years of knowing this guy, his face is still the same since the first time I met him.

I looked up at the skies and raise my hands

"Don't you think that you're too early for the shrine visit?" I asked and use an inchanment to clear the clouds.

Hmm now its clear. Good

Then I decided to walk towards the temple. Showing the fact that just I ignored someone after the inchanment

"You were so sweet back there" he says while following me

"I know" I replied without looking at him

But even how much I analyze the situation, I couldn't believe that I fainted right infront of Crysta. It seems like someone was capable to control my spiritual power.

I did an inchanment and after a few seconds a bow and an arrow showed up into my hands.

"Do you think there's someone capable on controlling our spiritual power?" I asked suddenly

Now I can see his face since he's floating right in the air and crossed his arms, like he's thinking deeply either its possible or not

"Depends on your will" he answered

My will? how come? I know that I've got a strong will of doing things. Mikael, please be specific -.-

I didn't give a side comment and he just smiled

"If a person has strong will but weakens when he/she encounters something important neither past, present or future, that strong will that he/she has becomes unbalance"

I looked at him in curiousity

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Hmm. what I mean is, a strong will can be measured by how balance it will become in facing trials"

"So you were saying that if its unbalance then probably a person's spiritual power will be unbalance as well?" I asked for confirmation

"Exactly. Wow you've catch my point" he said happily like a mother

"yeah, thanks mum" I joked even its lame xD

He chuckled and suddenly disappears

hmmm I guess I know the answer now.

I looked myself at the mirror

It's alright. You're a priestess. I said in my mind

Now, what shall we do next?

I looked outside as I saw a clear sky with a moon that shines the brightest.

Time really do runs so fast.

I grab the bow and arrow, thinking of warming up myself in awhile

As the lady continues to warm up herself

Someone from the paradise has been observing her

"I think you've been watching her for an hour, why don't you visit her" Mikael asks

The white haired guy suddenly faces him

"Mikael..." he says while the young man slowly approaches him

"You better should go if you miss her" says Mikael like teasing him

"Can't do that"


He looks around the places with a smile

"This place is wonderful and its now at peace. I'm incharge of guarding the gates til' my last breath"

Mikael made a sigh and raise both of his hands like showing that he surrenders to encourage him. However, he's Mikael Claus and he can't give up nor surrender.

"I could just bring her if you want" he utters

The other guy facepalmed as if he was saying

you've-gone-insane- to him

"Seriously, I've been also her mentor since she was young and--

Mikael was not able to continue on what he's saying coz his lips were sealed

"Mikael, I know you are concerned but she's still a human" he says and looked at the heavenly water

"She's not yet ready, so don't rush things for her" he said and looked at Mikael with a smile and unsealed him

"Geez, that's was just a suggestion" he said and suddenly disappears

"A silly suggestion" he whispers and looked outside



I suddenly open my eyes and saw my spiritual pet

"Hi, Mika, how's Crysta?"

"She's fine but I think she'll awake soon"

Unbelievable isn't it? but that's what happen when I awaken my priestess power

"What's for the lunch Mirana?"

"Carrots" I calmly answered and walked towards the door

"what?" she said and followed

I went out to take a shower then changed my clothes to go to the university

"Mirana, I don't like carrots. I want to eat what you also eat" she complained

"Eh? but you're a bunny" I said like teasing her

"I'm not originally a bunny okay? " she said and jumps in my head

"please.." she begged

Sigh. Okay fine


"Alright, let's eat out. Don't show up if I'm not telling you" I say

"okay" she said and disappears like a wind

I went outside and cast an enchantment to make a barrier. After a few seconds, its done and ready to go.

While walking along the sidewalk, I saw a familiar figure and she suddenly turned around and smiled

"Mirana!" she shouts and waved her left hand

I smiled back and slowly approach her but unexpectedly a man grabbed her phone from her right hand

"What the?" Crysta looks shocked and realized to follow the man and run

"Crysta!" I shouted

Geez. how troublesome

I closed my eyes and begun to cast a spell but a hand suddenly prevent me from using it

"Too risky" an unknown face showed up

His hair is red and has brownish eye color

"Who are you?" I asked in confusion