A pleasure to help a lady in need

He just tapped my shoulders and smiled

"Don't worry, I got this" he said and run towards Crysta's direction

oh dear, I hope everything's fine

After a few minutes

"LET ME GO!" the man shouted as he struggles to escape from the red-haired guy


The tall guy just made a sigh while running

What the hell am I doing? I shouldn't stop this fella, however this is not the part of my plan, Well, I could just make another

The young man runs faster than any other human being and suddenly appears infront of the man

"Tsk tsk. I didn't teach you to steal" he says as he hinder the man's pathway

"Who are you?"

"Let's make things clear old man, that phone is cheap" he says

The man smirked

"Everything in this era is valuable, you can't fool me young man"

He smirked back and comes to him closer.. very close

The man shivers as he feels like a killing intent from the young man

"Your way of speaking is too different, tell me your origins and I'll cast you to were you belong" he said in a low tone voice

The old man smiled and suddenly laughs loudly

"Ohhh.. no wonder..Welcome Prince---

before he continues to speak he suddenly faints

The young man couldn't tell what happened but then again he whispers a few words to his ears and the man suddenly woke up

"Ouchh..what happened?" he asked

The young man smiled

"Still confused? explained it to the police" he said and grabbed both of his arms and sealed tightly.

He looked so innocent to steal, hmmm

"Can I get this phone?" he asked as he gets it from the old man's pocket

"I didn't mean it! I don't know what happ--

before the old man continues to speak he suddenly felt a slap on his face

"Hey old man! You dare to steal my precious partner!" the young lady shouted at him

pfffttt. poor old man

The man was surprised and suddenly cries

"I didn't mean it young miss!" he said

"You didn't mean it? you want another one?" she asked as she wanted to slap the old man's face again, however I stopped her

"Is this yours?" I asked

Her eyes widen

"Oh geez, so you're that guy! you run really fast! Are you an athlete?" she asked

I wish I am just a mere athlete

"Guess?" I said and smiled then I hand over her phone

"Thank you so much!" she said and kissed her phone

hmm how cute

"Your welcome" I said and looked at the old man

"I'm sorry for slapping you, but you deserve it" she says

what a fierce lady

"Alright, let's go" I said and dragged the old man with me then the lady just followed

While walking along the street, the old man keeps on struggling to escape

"I told you, you can't escape" I said

"How old are you young man?" he asked

"Guess" I replied

"Don't you think you're too harsh to sealed his arms and hands like that?" the lady asked

I looked at her and realized that she's kinda looks like someone I knew before. However, I couldn't tell who exactly.

I smiled

"Let's not be too kind to this creature, he stole your phone, remember?"

She pouted and remain silent

A few seconds later the man tried to escape again

"LET ME GO!" he shouted

"Just give up old man" I say


I slowly approached them.

Thank goodness they are just fine.

I can also see that Crysta looks happy holding her phone

"Thank you for helping" I said to the guy whose holding the old man

"It's my pleasure to help the lady in distress"

lady in distress?

"Are you mocking me?"

He smiled

"Just saying, anyways, I better should go and hand him to the police" he said

I checked my phone and..

oh shoot!

"Mirana, we'll be late for the afternoon session" Crysta said

"Not a chance" I say and hold my necklace

Just this once, forgive me...

I stopped the time and used a teleportation to change the details connected to the schedule for the session for more than 30 minutes without getting notice

I am really sorry *sobs*

After finishing everything, I resume the time

Good job

a voice suddenly talks within my mind

Like who was that again?

I better should put some restrictions in terms of telepathic connection, these guys are getting spoiled -.-

"Let's go now" I said then Crysta just nodded

When we reached the session my eyes widen up

"Yo! " he says and waves hello to us

Then walks towards our direction

"What a coincidence" Crysta says

"Yeah, what a small world" I mumbled and rolled my eyes

"looks like someone is not happy to see me" he says

like duh?

You kinda look like a brat Priestess, Mikael suddenly interrupts

Not again..

"What's your business Mikael? Why are you interrupting again?" I asked

"Just wanted to tease you" he replied

I rolled my eyes and I noticed that Crysta looks shocked while the other guy just cover his mouth to stopped himself from laughing out loud

"Did you just--

before Crysta continues to talk, I just grabbed her wrist and we went inside the session room together

Before the session starts

"May I sit here ladies?" a familiar voice asked

"You again?" I whisphered then he smiles

"This is the third time, don't you think its fate?" he asked

This guy really has a nerve.

I want to punch his face and make him disappear all at once

I just ignored him and suddenly Crysta leans closer to me

"What was that?" she whispers


She raised her eyebrow

"I couldn't tell, but I smell something fishy" she said and faced infront

"Alright, welcome ladies and gents, today we will be starting our session, but before that I'll ne introducing someone who will give us an inspirational message" the speaker says as he stands infront of the projector

"Please Welcome Mr. Genesis Orien" he continues to talk and a familiar figure walks slowly to the stage

Holy molly.. No way!

I noticed him looking at my direction

Crap. Did he see me?

No... Its impossible.

Calm down Mirana, he's different. Be positive..

He smiles and grabs the mic

"Thank you for your warm welcome, I'm Genesis Orien, its nice to meet you"

Goodluck priestess.. Mikael says using the telepathy

This can't be...