The Councilor

Genesis Orien...

I barely remember that name but the face, It's just...

"Looks like him" Mikael says by using telepathy

"lord Dio? " I asked


"But Dionysus should be at Rome" I replied

I can sense him silently laugh

"Well perhaps he's not afraid of you anymore" he replied

"Why would he be?" I asked and suddenly I noticed that all eyes are focusing to me

oh great...

I just ignored them and looked at the stage

"What's your name?" Mr. Orien asked

"Mirana" I said calmly

He smiled and then slowly walks infront of me


"Mirana.. what a wonderful name, certainly sounds like someone's disciple" he said and reaches his hand infront of me

"Would you mind walking up to the stage? "


"It looks like he wanted to embarass you" Crysta whispers

I looked at her and smiled


The peope inside the session claps together as I walk with him to the stage

You'll pay the price if you tend to embarass me, I said right through my mind

"Now as you can see a lot of people are sitting right infront of you, aren't you nervous?" He asked

Is he testing me or what?

The coordinator suddenly handed over his mic to me

okay? now what?

"Its okay to be nervous" he said

I smiled and put the mic close to my lips

"Everyone, let me tell you the truth, I'm just a mere senior student in this university, I am not perfect and I can commit a lot of mistakes, however, I didn't fear you all, for I see that we are just the same species living in this modern society. Thus, Sir Orien, I'm not nervous at all" I calmly said and hand over the mic back to the coordinator

I walk closely to his direction

"Either you're a fake or not, I don't fear you as well" I whispered and then smiled at him

He smiled back and bow for showing his thanks. Then I continuously walk to my seat

"Not bad" he commented

I raised my eyebrow and smiled

"I'm quiet surprised that you didn't catch to much attention with that hair of yours" I said

"Well, its natural color"

"Natural colors should be blonde, black and brown, not red" Crysta interrupted and the both of us silently laughed as he looked so annoyed


I hate this kind of stuff. Why on earth should I do this job?

The guy look in 30s complained as he walk to the hall

"lord Dio, we should hurry up or we'll be late" a tiny fairy appears right beside him

He just ignored him

"As your familiar, I need to--

before he continues to talk, the guy stopped on walking and suddenly sits and covered his face

"lord Dio?"

"sshhhhh" - Lord Dio

"But lord Dio.." his familiar says as he started to feel nervous about the situation

"I don't want to go.." The guy says like a child

His familiar remained silent as he saw a familiar figure. He was about to greet him but the man just smiled and gave him a sign to leave.

"What do you mean Dionysus?"

The guy suddenly stood up as he heard his voice

"Jupiter..." he says in awe

the man smiled

"Let's go together, Odysseus will be assisting the Council meeting" Jupiter says

"You know that I am not into this" he complained

"But you can't escape from your duties, ever since then, you have to face everything, especially the Council" the man replied

I guess I don't have any choice, he says through his mind

While walking along the way they met the others on the way to the hall

"A fate which I can't escape huh" he mumbles in a low tone voice

A few moments later all of the high level gods, goddesses, spirits, deities and other celestials who bound to guide both nature and human kind arrived in one place

"All Hail to all of us and welcome to the Hall of Divinity" Odysseus announced as he continues to light up all the torches around the hall by the snap of his fingers

He looked around and smiled

"Now, let's give a warm welcome to our future Councilor. The greek god of wine, as well as winemaking, grape cultivation, fertility, ritual madness, theater, and religious ecstasy, Dionysus!"

---------------------------------End of Flashback

The session ended and it was successful

"Mr. Genesis!" a young girl shouted as she comes towards my direction

I smiled back

"What can I help you?"

She smiled

"Don't you remember? I was with Mirana, you know? at the session?" she says

"Ohh... " I say

Mirana.. that brat, she kinda looks like her

"Mr. Genesis.. I just wanted to ask you if its true to have 2 souls in one body?"

My interest suddenly awakens

"What's your name young lady?"


"Why did you ask me this kind of stuffs?"

She smiled

"I can sense another soul within you, so I just asked out of curiousity"

"Don't you think that question sounds ridiculous?"

She crossed her arms and looked around

"Why are you interested if its ridiculous?"

I smiled and begun to realized the this young lady is too smart to be fooled

"If you have another free time, just call me" I told her and hands over my calling card

"Thank you Mr. Genesis" she said with a smile

"Just Sir, is fine with me" I said and smiled back then slowly walked away from her


"Could you please, stop following me" I said

"My Mirana---

I turned around and glared at him

"Don't even say that! I'm not your property" I said

"I'm bored and I want someone to talk to" he said

I just ignored him and continue to walk through the gate and suddenly the wind blows so hard

What the???

A familiar figure shows up right infront of me

A tall guy wearing a medieval suit...

Red hair and Red eyes...

"What's up?" he says and a tall figure suddenly appears before me

Okay? I don't get it? the same hair color?

"Go back" he says

"Why would I?" he asked him with a smirk

"You supposed to do your duty, not to mess with me" he replied

The other guy scratched his head and suddenly a high scythe appears in his hand

"Like I care" he says and smirked then attacked him

"Watch out!"