The Twins

I suddenly use an inchantment and dodged to his attacks

"Nice" the other guy complimented

"What the heck is that devil's business with you?" I asked him

"Don't know" He said and a sword slowly appears on his right hand

silver dragon..

"nice sword" I say and he just smiled back

"Thanks, but you should just get out from here and save your friend" he says and runs towards the devil's direction

They kinda look the same, but I couldn't sense an aura that connects to the devils

Alright, let's get away from this mess and drag Crysta I say to myself but suddenly a sycthe appears right infront of me


"Where are you going?"

I moved both of my palms forward and cast an enchantment

"That doesn't work on me" he says

"Oh yeah? let's see" I say and suddenly blink and appears right behind him

"Too slow" I say and smirked then he's body was tossed right into the walls

"DON'T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" the other guy shouted as he lands to the ground and all of a sudden the devil summoned something...

A familiar...

I looked around the place and luckily there's no one around

Sigh. now what?

I raised my hand to the sky and cast a spell to tampered the place with a barrier to look normal from the outside.

I guess this one works. However, its not an advantage for us who are in the inside since the only one's who could notice are the people within the barrier, but still I hope we are the only one's left in here.

"Mirana watch out!" Crysta's voice

wait.. Crysta?

I looked behind and the familiar is running towards me

"Crysta!" I shouted and she suddenly floats in the air

"How troublesome" he says as he approached us holding his sword

"Are you alright Crysta?" I asked

She looks shocked and nods

"I told you to get out of here! Are you nuts?" he said in anger

"If its so easy then I already did" I said and looked at Crysta

She smiled

"It's alright. Don't worry" she says and I smiled

back at her

"Well, this is boring" the guy in a medieval suit said while walking towards our direction holding his weapon

I looked at myself. No wonder its kinda uneasy to move. I move my hands freely and changed into my celestial battle armor.

"Woah.. I never knew that you could change outfits" he said

I smiled

"Consider this as your lucky day, devil" I say and moved my left hand right into the air

"Wind, I summon thee" I say and moved my other hand towards his direction but he quickly dodge it and made a sudden attack which almost torn my clothes into pieces

"That was close" I said and touch the ground and moved both of my hands upward to attack him

He's kinda strange. He always dodges and barely attacks .

I looked at my wrist to see the bracelet if it glows..

Hmmm good, I can still attack him

I was about to do an inchantment but a hand grab my wrist

"Don't push yourself, I will handle this by myself and you focus on escaping this area"

"It takes time to escape" I replied

He made a sigh and raised his hand right to Crysta's direction

"A portal shall open, for a mortal to see" he says and looks at my direction

"You know the drill, go" he said and pushed me towards Crysta's side

Crysta looks worried but still she managed to smile

"Let's go" I say and grabbed her and we decided to enter the portal together

I looked behind and I saw him fighting with the other guy

"Mirana... "

"Yes Crysta?"

"It's alright"



"Well, well, well.. Can't imagine a prince from Hell would help a human" he says as he swings the back and forth

I smirked and hold my sword with a minimal force to strike back if he managed to attack at my direction.

"I thought you will just do your mission but what's your business with her?"

He stops walking and scratch his head again

tsk. that kind of mannerism. I don't like it

"Actually, I'm bored so..

before he continues to explain he suddenly swings his weapon

As expected

"Like I would fall for that" I say and used my sword to strike back however he suddenly disappears like a wind and attacks behind

"Like I would fall for that.." he said and smirked


My body feels light as it was tossed to the trees

tsk. that hurts..

I tried to stand up but I can't move even a muscle

"I feel bad on fighting you since we kinda look alike" he says and holds my chin with disappointment

"A prince huh.. why do father disregard me for that title?"

I just stared at him and didn't answer his question but instead he grabbed my shirt

"I wanted to kill you but I have a better idea" he said and smiles

"Whatever you up to, you won't succeed" I say

and he just laughed out loud then stopped after a few seconds

"Are you kidding me? I already succeeded.."

He comes closer

"Instead of killing you, I'll devour everything about you and make use of it" he whispers in my ear


I looked around and used every power I had to summon my familiar


He slowly moved his face away and grabs my wrist

"Ohh what's this? it looks like the family crest still exists" he said and bites his lips which produce an amount of blood

No.. don't .. tell me..

He wiped it by his hand and placed it on my wrist

"Back off.." I say

He just ignored me and smiled

"I'll just erase it and turn you into something better. Don't worry, you will not going to die here" he said

I clinched my other fists and tried attack him by my sword but a huge shield appears behind him

"I'm not a child anymore" he says with a pokerface and steps backward

"But if you insist.. then why not?" he said and a scythe suddenly appeared from his hand

"I know this is painful but you will still see her, ofcourse, with my help" he says

"Tsk. I don't know what you're talking about"

I said and suddenly I feel pain in my chest

Is this the end?

I looked at myself and a weapon is piercing my chest


"Now, it's not too painful right?" he said and takes out the weapon which made it feel more painful

I couldn't talk nor breathe anymore but I looked at him with a smile

"Why?" he asked

I don't know.. but all I can see is that a creature from a far is watching over my death

Ah.. I see..

I remember now..
