Love is in the air!

I opened my eyes and my head suddenly aches

Ugh. What's wrong?

I went out to the bed and looked myself at the mirror

Hmmm. there's nothing wrong but I think I forgot something, I don't know why...

I closed my eyes and summoned Mika

"What can I help you Priestess? " she asked as she appears right infront of me

"My head aches and I think I forgot something, please help me recall about it" I said and sit on the floor

Her bunny ears slightly moved as she comes closer to me

"Hmm.. there's nothing, probably because of the food" she said

"Alright" I say and she suddenly disappears

I looked outside and noticed that there are a lot of people in the area.

I wonder what's going on

I moved out from my room and took a shower and then changed my clothes.

"Hmmm looks like a busy day" I mumbled by myself and went outside.

As I walked along the streets, there were a lot of flowers and some decorative items which being sold by the vendors. Moreover, there were also people buying those kind of stuffs.

Okay? Could someone explain, what's going on?

"It's Valentines day" an anonymous person said and suddenly I looked up to him.

He's smiling..



woah wait...

I didn't say that out loud! how come?

I tried to follow him but he suddenly disappears.

Geez. this can't be

I walked towards an alley where no one could notice and looked around if someone is paying attention to my presence but luckily, there's none. I raised my hand in an average position and made an incantation.

"Mika, lend me your strength" I say and she suddenly showed up


"You saw him right? I want you to look for him"

"Okay got it" she says and jumps over the walls

Now.. let's head back

The young lady straighten herself as she walks from the alley. As she goes by along with other people, the guy just smiled and suddenly wears a hat.

"You're smart, but not as smart as I am" he said as he continues to watched over her.

After a few minutes, a pair of hands was covering his face

This scent..

He said to himself and suddenly smiled since he knows the person that's behind him.

"Eros.. " she calmly said


"what on earth are you doing here?" she asked like she's annoyed

uh oh.. this tone

He suddenly took off her hands and grabbed it to pull over to his body. She blushed for a moment and looks away.

"My sweet Psyche, are you mad?" he asked

"Hmmm nope" she answered and pouts

He holds her chin and looked into her eyes

"You know that you're the only one" he says but the lady just avoid his gaze.

The guy smiled and moves his face closer to her

"Psyche.." he says in a low tone voice and about to kiss her but a bunny shows up right infront of them so Psyche suddenly pushed him away

The lady looked at the bunny and runs towards the creature.

"Oh myy.. how cute, what's your name?" the lady asked


The lady looked shocked and realized how cool the bunny is, so she turns around and stared at the guy who crossed his arms

"No" he said

"But!" the lady insisted

The guy just sighed and looks above. Then he noticed a lady with an ancient dress slowly landed to their direction. After she lands she approached the bunny immediatly and tapped her head

"Good job" she complimented and the bunny disappeared

" you're the owner of that talking bunny" the lady said and smiled

She smiled back and looked at the guy

"I want to know your partner's name, since he was suspicious" she frankly said to her

"suspicious? in what way?" the lady asked in confusion


Ugh. this is hard, how should I tell her? I came all the way here and left my class for this matter after Mika found out their location and to my surprised they are just standing above the alley

I walked closely to her

Ugh please don't think that I'm crazy..

"Hmm.. here's the thing.." I said and tell her the things happened in the morning. I explained about how possible it could be? I am fully aware of what I'm doing and yet his way too different and suspicious.

The lady smiled and looked at the guy. She moves her hand like providing gestures to come to us closer. The guy was hesitant at first but he just listened to the lady.

He walked closely and looked at the lady.

"Please introduce yourself to her" she said with a smiling face

He was looking at her like What-are-you-talking-about?

The lady just smiled


He suddenly looks at me and stand straight

"Eros" he said


His name is familiar..

"Now what?" he irritatedly asked

"Eros!" the lady said in a warning tone

The guy just scratch the back of his head like he's sorry.

Poor guy..

I looked at him closely and I saw his blue eyes under cover

Now, I understand..

I can't ignore this matter and smiled

"So, you must be one of the higher celestial officials" I just said out of the blue and I clearly saw the lady smiled

"You're a human yet you're too bold" he said as if he wanted to chop me by using his death glare

"Nahh.. thanks to your wife" I said

I can hear the lady laughed silently after I managed to say "wife" and by looking at his face, he blushed in a flash

Looks like I guess right. Probably he's the main cause why the people made a fuss to such trivial things. However, its not a bad thing since I can feel the love within the air.

Kinda sounds strange but its nice.

"Eros, you should be kind to her" she said

"I am" he said and looked at me with a smile

woah.. he really looks handsome even he wears brown contact lenses

"You knew.. " he said

"About what?" I asked

"Nothing" he says and gently looked at the lady

"It seems like I delay your honeymoon" I said and smiled to them.

The lady suddenly blushed and covered her face with her hands while he just remain shocked and looked at her. Luckily, after a few seconds he turned back to his senses.

I turned around and planned to walk away but a wind passes through like it wanted to stop me

"Thank you" he said

I didn't look and just smiled. I continuously walk away and raised my hand above then form an incantation. My body suddenly floats to the air and blink to the ground where nobody could notice.

As I managed to land the surface, I directly changed into normal clothing.

Whew. what a day

I looked at my wrist to check the time and luckily I still have 30 minutes for the next class. I hurriedly run along the streets and went straight to the entrance.

When I arrived, a tall figure suddenly blocks my way on the way to my seat.

what the? Like what's wrong?