Jealousy and Pride

I looked at him in confusion

"Move" I said

He just smiled and moved his face closer to my ear

"Meet me at the cafeteria later" he whispers and walks away

As if I want to meet him?

I just sit and opened my book.

Ugh. Senior life is tiring tho. I guess I don't have any choice but to do this - I said to myself

After a few minutes, the professor arrives and immediately discuss the topics for today's class. While looking at her, I just realized that shes way too beautiful than a normal person. She has charisma, beauty and what else? Hmm well of course, she has the brains right? I mean, she's smart. She managed to give the details of the lesson without difficulty of understanding it. Like, the lesson might be difficult but she explained those stuffs in a simple way where a simple minded person could understand.

In short~ she's awesome..

Sigh. I wish I could be like her

"You can"

I was suddenly surprised with the voice in my head and almost stood up, to the extent that It catches the class attention

"Yes, Mirana?" the professor asked

"Ugh nothing.." I said and smiled

"Okay" she said and smiled back.

She continues to discuss the details and so on so forth. After that, I went outside and looked around to check if that guy who blocked my way was around.

Hmmm.. he's not around.. Good

I was about to get out but a tall figure blocks my way troublesome

"I told you to met me at the cafeteria" he said

I rolled my eyes and I can see that he looks annoyed

So what? I'm not his property

I tried to avoid him and moved from side to side but still he just blocked my way.

"Ugh. for the love of Pete! what do you want?" I asked

"Now you got the nerve to ask?" He asked back

"Yes, I am not your property so go away" I said and walked forward but he didn't even care. He suddenly moved closer and grabbed my waist.

Now what?

"H-hey!" I shouted

he didn't listened and just carelessly carry me

Grrr... I hate this!


For Heaven's sake, why is she so heavy? She looks so thin but its a trap!

She just remained silent as I dragged her all the way behind the school building

I put her down and she tried to escaped but I managed to block her.

She sighed and sits straight to the ground

"Tell me your business" she said with a poker face

What's with that expression? A lot of people wanted to approach me yet she's like that?

"What's with you?" I asked

she raised her left eyebrows and smiled

"You dragged me all the way down here just for that question? okay bye" she said and stood up


I grabbed her wrist and pull her closer.

I thought she will able to remember. I was so happy when I made the decision to transfer but this is what I've got.

"Mirana" I gently call her name

"What?" she asked

Please stay with me

How I wish I could say that but Instead of answering her, I realized that I hold her too close. I can clearly see her face now. Her eyes that as blue as the seas and hair natural golden hair. I couldn't help it and my hands just moved to touch her face which made her looked surprised.

I smiled

Face it dude. You let you go of that pride you had and tell her everything! my other self complains but my face suddenly moves closer

"Wait.. " she said and covered her lips with her hands

this girl..

I smirked and moved even closer to whisper in her ear

"As if I'm going to kiss you" I said and she strongly pushed me away that made my other foot out balanced.

I just saw her looked worried and she suddenly walked closer but to late..

She started to laugh and then I looked away. Realizing the fact that I also laughed after she did.

She lend me hand and smiled

"I thought that you hate me" I said

"Hate you? I didn't say that" she answered

"Uh.. I dragging you here, you hate that right?" I asked

"Ofcourse. but I don't hate you, I just don't like it when you boss me around" she said

I didn't boss you around. Its just that I'm not good at expressing myself. I have a pride as a guy and I am not like the others.

I looked at her and smiled

"Yeah, sorry about that" I said and turned around

"I guess, we'll talk next time" I continously said without looking at her then slowly walked away.


"Mirana!" a girl shouted her name and she suddenly run towards her direction.

She looks so happy with her friend yet I'm here watching them from a far.

I clinched my fist as I remember how she was able to forget about me.


I wanted to tell you about everything I remember from the past but my pride is telling me not to do so.

I turned away and walked behind the school building. I was surprised when you were able to summoned a spirit animal but why...

I looked up in the skies and I saw a familiar figure

"Mikael.." I say

He smiled and tap my shoulders

"Just tell her" he said

I smiled back

"I will. soon" I said and he smiled back and disappeared through the air

I looked again at her direction and I think she's finished so I went back ahead. After a few seconds she entered to the class

"That lady is cute"

"Yeah, I wonder if she has a boyfriend"

"Don't you think she looks innocent?"

"I guess so but she's still beautiful"

These guys..

It was kinda annoying and I looked at them with a killing intent. They noticed it and suddenly stops on talking


"Someone looks kinda jelly here.." the girl commented beside me but I just ignore her

Sigh. what Am I thinking? I need to calm down

I looked outside and clearly saw the blue sky..

What a nice day huh.. I said to myself

****End of flashback

"Whaaaaaattt????" Crysta shouted

"Crysta.. no need to shout okay?"

"You can stay at my house" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yuppp!" she happily said

Geez. Crysta.. its not as easy as you think it is.