Who are you?

Crysta was sad and happy at the same time after she knew that I am having a day off for taking good care of the shrine and temple since my relatives will gonna take incharge for the time being.

It was nice that they volunteered since it was quiet tiresome. More than that, it reduces the amount of my spiritual energy.

I feel relaxed probably just a week or two I guess? But that doesn't matter anymore as long as I can rest. No more worries at all.

"It's settled, I'll tell my mum about it and I know she would be glad having you at our house" she said

I know right? since her mum was also a Guardian.

I already mentioned this before. Guardians don't have special ability except fortelling the future. However, they are not as accurate as the oracle who delivers profecy.

Since Guardians don't have special ability, they were tend to trained themselves in order to protect their masters.

Well, as for my case, I'm currently acting as a Priestess not because I wanted but because of the bloodline. It's kinda the same of inheriting the royal legacy.

The last Priestess was my grandma, she possesed a high amount of spiritual power that can communicate and summon spiritual creatures, heal and fight enemies.

She was almost perfect but she died due to her illness. The disadvantage of being a Priestess is that you can heal others but not yourself. In order to heal, you need to rest and sleep for a long period of time. For animals, its like hybernation.

I wanted to help her at the moment she was about to end her life at the temple but she just told me not to do so since it was already her time and her fate.

Tsk. fate

"Mirana, I already told her" Crysta said as she hangs her phone up

"What did she say?"

"you can start today!" she happily said and hugged me tightly

"Alright.. I get it, don't get too excited" I said

"Can't help it, your the only friend I have" she replied while pouting her lips

Oww. how cute

After we talked, I packed my things up and decided to go to her house.


While Mirana and Crysta walked along the streets, someone was watching them from a far.

"Are you following them?" someone asked behind and the as the person turns around, a punch suddenly landed into its cheeks

"Who? "

The person disappears and then he/she lose track with the two


Before we reached to her house, I already saw her mum standing infront of their gate whose waving hello to us.

Crysta suddenly looks at me with a smile and I smiled back at her. She suddenly grabs my hand and run towards to her mum.

Wait.. Crysta, can't you see that I'm holding my bag?

When were about to come closer

Her mum smiled

"Miraanaaaaaa!" her mum gladly says and hugs me tightly

Ugh. Like mother, like daughter ...

"I know you're tired, I already prepare the futon at the other room for you" She said as she caress my head

"Thank you Aunt Celeste" I said with a smile

"No problem, oh by the way, I'll have to go somewhere" she said and looks at Crysta

"Tata, don't you forget that you have to attend to your cousin's birthday?" she asked

She suddenly thinks deeply and looks worried

"Yeah.. I almost forgot but how about Mirana?" she asked and her mum looks at me

"Me? no no.. its fine, you guys can go ahead, I'll take care of everything in here" I replied

"Are you sure?" Crysta asked as she holds my hand

"Yes, totally" I replied

"Alright. I better should leave now, Crysta, how about we go together?"

Crysta looks pitiful and pouts like a child

Her mum sighed and caress her head

"Its alright sweetie, Mirana will be fine, you can still see each other after the event" she said and smiled

"hmm okay" she replied and looks at my direction.

I wanted to tease her but she really looks like puppy who wants to beg to stay with her master. Kinda looks pitiful so I'll just saved it for the next time

I smiled back to show her that I'm perfectly fine and she smiled as well then goes along with her mum

When I entered to their house, it was still the same. I went upstairs and enter to my room and placed my things beside the futon for the meantime.

I looked at the futon and lay down a bit.

woah. its comfortable. I wanted to sleep already but I think I need to take a shower.

I went downstares and noticed that the water sprinkler is currently open.

Wait. I'm the only one in here right?

I slowly opened the door but there's still a shower curtain

Geez how troublesome

I grabbed a hanger and immediately opened the curtain and to my surprise, I just saw a man with a tall figure whose currently shocked. Then he suddenly grabs the towel beside him.

I don't know what to say but we suddenly utter the same sentence

"Who are you?"

"I should be the one who asked you that question" he said

"Oh really? How come I never knew you, the person incharge in here was actually aware of my presence" I replied

"Same goes here" he said and went out to the shower room

I couldn't believe it that I will be into this kind of scene. I only thought that this was just a mere ficiton idea but can't imagine that this is actually happening in real life and for the record, in my life!

Let's make this straight

"Alright, so let's settle this first, who are you exactly? " he asked

I facepalmed as I realized that he wants to settle this conversation first before wearing his clothes

"Well, that would be nice but could you please wear your clothes first?" I asked and his face looked flustered

He turned around and walked upstairs.

sigh. I think that's better.


What in the world was happening?

I don't know why there's a girl in this house. I thought I was all alone.

I hurriedly wear my shirt and pants and went downstares. Then I saw her sitting on the sofa crossing her legs.

"Now what?" I said

She suddenly sits properly and clears her throat

"Alright, let's get it straight, who are you? " she asked in a calm voice

I should be the one who asked you that question lady. You're acting like as if you're older.

I said to myself.

"If you don't answer, I suspect that you're her brother" she continuously said

She sighed and just stood up.

"I guess you won't reveal yourself, but if things went wrong, don't expect me to be good to you" she said and passed by my direction.

Wait. what???