Shao Cheng Felt Bewildered On His Older Brother Reaction. What Happened?

Mouth opening and closing Shao Yan finally shut it tight after a few seconds while remaining dazed from the devastating expression that he just witness in that split second, in which he couldn't stop himself from doubting if everything that was happening so far was a dream all along since his third brother expression remain cold as usual.

However, the fast beating of his heart, the same reaction of his two friends from glimpsing that unbelievable smile has told him that all of it wasn't a lie at all and isn't a mere imagination of his.

Speaking of his two friends… Shao Yan couldn't stop the protective emotion that emerges abruptly within him as he glare fierce to the currently dazed and dare he says it the flushing face of Qin and Gao as they shoot a wide eye wonder to his third brother that remains oblivious of the kind of look that he was getting at, especially being ignorant on the effect of the smile that he just showed.