"Hey Chang Empire, The Land That I Have Live The Longest Between My Two Lifetimes, I Am Back."

Disregarding the strange reaction of his older Brother and deciding to operate on another time about presenting a good impression on Ren Yuan's acceptable character, Shao Cheng was currently outside the tiny village, roaming around the place while quietly observing the way the common people live their daily life.

While Shao Cheng wasn't a bit curious about the current practice that his older brother has suddenly decided to promote on his group of soldiers to perform after his stunt of suddenly howling and running out from the room after trying to introduce Ren Yuan to him, which failed spectacularly.

Besides, Shao Cheng doesn't have any interest on watching about a group of sweaty and muscles man train the entire time, especially when unlike Ren Yuan with a grudgingly fascinating appearance, these group of men doesn't look pleasing to his eyes at all.

They didn't even reach his certain criteria about a person's beautiful appearance.