Harming without knowing

Tommy couldn't hear the first time the door was knocked on until the second one which came in a very loud knock he rushed to go see who it was and unlucky he thought it was Derek he ran inside nugging Tommy, aside he immediately came in to look at the figures on the shelf he saw only ten that weren't on the shelf yet so he took one and Tommy saw that he started to play with it he got frustrated and mouthed multiple times he knew Derek could understand but he just ignored him so he immediately ran to go get his mom well to Katie it was more like drag she was wondering on why, was he so frustrated until he saw Derek playing with the figures messing with the stances Tommy had put them in she herself got frustrated as two of them she saw were very fragile and could break on impact so she immediately ran and saw as both the fragile figure drop she was merely minutes away from saving them but they broke Derek was a tiny bit surprised but on the other hand he kept on playing Tommy, became even angrier then before and as Katie was stuck in her place she was unsure of what was acquiring she saw Tommy punch Derek in the face both of them fighting Katie immediately came back to reality and pulled them apart "enough!," Katie said yelling and seeing that there lights were flashing on and off Derek and Tommy were instantly scared "Derek living room Tommy stay here now both of you are grounded!," Katie yelled then Tommy got upset to the point where even His powers made Katie, feel how he felt "but he started it!," Tommy said angrily "I don't care you should have let me deal with it!," Katie said angrily "I hate you, you haven't even been around me my whole life and now your trying to be my mom!," Tommy said angrily Katie hears his words and was surprised Tommy became embarrassed and he ran out crying David, came in surprised at what happened "I'll go get him," david said then Katie then stopped him David, looked back and saw Katie's face she was crying "just don't... what he said was correct what right do I have to be acting like his mother especially after being away for a long time because of what I do" Katie said crying david understood and stopped he hugged her, kissing her and whispering in her ear Katie quickly left she flew to a bank that was being robbed she fought with all her night when she brong down the villain she called the cops but instead of the villain getting arrested she got arrested, she was surprised they put a bag over her head and power deactivater cuffs on her then when they got to there stop, she heard a crowd and cameras she also saw there electric waves she heard a bunch of hero's and sidekicks she heard mostly ones she seen when they got the signature then the vales came off, she was right there were cameras everywhere and also lots of paparazzi "today we shall do something that shall mark the spots of history we shall unmask the unknown hero's" the police director said Katie noticed loud yelling and saw her dad gravity "gravity what's going on they can't do this right it violates every rule on the contract they can't do this!," Katie said worried as she doesn't want her identity revealed "I'm sorry calamity but no hero noticed a single contract rule it says ya unknown hero's can only be unmasked if enough people or better politicians vote and it looks like the unmasking won." gravity said frowning "we shall start with miss calamity as her power may become more dangerous if trained" a random person said then a few yes and nods there and the police director walked towards calamity Katie knew David,Tommy, and Derek were watching.

Back at the house

Tommy, Derek, and David were watching they were surprised "dad they can't do this right and where mom," Tommy said a bit angrily "she's dealing with stuff you know you had hurt her feelings right," David said upset "she deserved it you've always been there for me to me your all the parents I have and know all she is worried about is work even if it's for my favorite superhero." Tommy said angrily David frowned and looked back at the tv worried for Tommy and Katie, Derek was eagerly happy as he wants to see calamity's face.

Back to Katie

They shifted all there mask everyone was surprised "miss calamity is Katie levin of livin company." Police director said

Back at home

Everyone was surprised except for David "I can't believe it.....moms...calamity." Tommy said surprised Derek was a little surprised and happy he remembered something his mother told him 'honey when your caught get close to Katie then head to this address this will make you into a adult again then get close to Katie and get her' he remembered he thought when was the time to do it.