Hero’s unUnited

Katie, was scared everyone saw she wasn't just scared because of her identity being out her son is in danger so she thought only one thing she could do to help her son "I calamity aka Katie levin resign in registration as a superhero," Katie said worried for her family everyone was surprised including gravity "Katie think about this are you sure you want to do this," gravity said Surprised,

Back at home

Everyone was surprised at Katie's resignation David saw Tommy cry a bit as he saw his favorite hero quit.

Back to Katie

"Yes dad I'm sure what's the point of risking my sons life just for being a hero to a world that is messed up," Katie said then several others had done the same as Katie she was ultimately ashame as most of the hero's in Toronto, had resigned only gravity, yellow ash, and jolt are left Katie, Katie and the rest said something "we are the UnUnited hero's," they all said then they flew out except for red jolt he super sped out hours later Katie, enter her home david, and Tommy was there Tommy was still upset and angry so immediately he ran back to his room "don't mind him he's upset calamity had quit," David said upset "he shouldn't worry he should know one thing calamity never gives up I'll be back as a hero but I just need to lay low for a bit as if I lay low it would protect him and I want to protect him," Katie said while shivering what they didn't know is that there's a person watching two actually, one of them smiled the other wickedly smiled "why don't you tell him he'll be less mad that his favorite hero won't be gone forever" David said little bit less worried then Katie, nodded and walked towards Tommy's room the watching figure ran back silently and quickly sat on the bed looking upset then he heard his door knock "GO AWAY!," Tommy said while acting angrily "please Tommy open the door I want to tell you something," Katie said knocking a few more times then Tommy quickly opened the door and ran back to his bed laying down Katie, was surprised that his room was completely torn apart there's calamity stuff here and there and the calamity figure is gone Katie, felt hurt she sat down next to Tommy who was laying down she started to think Tommy heard her cry a few times "Tommy, look I'm sorry ok...I know you look up to calamity and I ruined it by quitting but the truth is...I'm not quitting I'm just laying my head down so you don't get hurt then when everything calms down I'll rejoin being a hero," Katie said smiling then Tommy, shifted his head towards his mom and slightly smiled "you aren't quitting," Tommy said happily "no and how about this when you get older and in more control of your powers you be my sidekick," Katie smiled while patting Tommy's head "re-really! Mama I can become a sidekick really can I choose my own nickname," Tommy said while sitting up "sure," Katie said smiling Tommy, got super excited "how about kid calamity or rusher calamity," Tommy said happily "how about something different something you wanted something not based on calamity choose something you want," Katie said while putting her hand on Tommy's shoulder then he instantly remembered the name he wanted since he was young "how about mind breaker," Tommy's said smiling "better."