The art of not knowing part 1

Katie looked at the young and semi dishonest boy in front of her she frowns as he takes out what he's been dishonest about, he pulls out a 1 dollar bill that he had took from Katie he handed off back to Katie, he turned around with his head down Katie, started to feel bad so she called his name "Daniel wait!," Katie felt sorry he lost his arm and his eye he doesn't need to deal with someone who yells at him for taking 1 dollar Daniel, turned around he looked at his moms hand gesture and opens his hand he closes his eye afraid of what she will do to him as she seen a ton of parent put something bad in a weak child hands Daniel, was scared but instead of a feeling of heat he felt a papery feel he slowly opened his eye to see what it was, he saw it was the dollar he stole "look honey you know if you want something you can ask don't steal it's not nice," Katie said lovely not knowing the truth behind the blocked memory's Daniel felt something he felt happy even though he is always happy this is another type of happy he wondered what it was but he gave up "ok mom." Daniel said still not knowing what that feeling was what that small spark was he gave up he considered wonder what it was when he feels it again Daniel looks at the clock and realized he and his mom were late so they both quickly got dressed dropped by a fast food restaurant and had gotten to school 15 minutes late he quickly ran to his seat looking and smiling at everyone else "Tommy are you really okay with this she's basically trading you with another child," Derek said agitated at Tommy's decision "I'm ok with it after all she did say things that got them mad so I'm ok with switching places plus it's going to stop next Tuesday," Tommy said calmly remembering the words his mother said "ok my boy how would you like to switch places with another boy," Katie said hesitantly Tommy's, face was calm "sure you don't need to inform me I already know," Tommy said calmly then boom Tommy is zapped back into reality when someone bumps into Daniel, Tommy looked at him and saw Daniel start crying in pain.