The art of not knowing part 2

Katie looks at the young boy on the ground she immediately crouches and tries to help him up Daniel, cry's in pain as no one saw that the boy had intentionally pushed him and made him hit his head Katie hugged the crying Daniel, could tell she wasn't happy her eyes turned into a raging electricity trying to leave and destroy anyone who pushed him she looked at the surprised boy Katie, knew his surprised face is just a act and he intentionally pushed Daniel she clenches her fist in anger she looks as the kid tries to offer a hand Katie, smacks the hand with her electricity hand shocking him in the process he drops to the ground Katie sees his body shaking Katie, knew he had gone into shock she saw how everyone was shocked and dismayed at the young boy shaking it took several minutes when Katie, realized the doctors where there taking him leaving the shocked school Katie, was scared she quickly checked on Daniel, and saw that his face had a cut and his chest is bruised by the time Daniel, stopped crying he had fell asleep "oh my poor boy your Brody was never really that strong I hope your body can deal with this," Katie said worriedly she kissed his forehead worried Tommy, saw what Katie was doing and he felt somewhat jealous as she never been that worried about him hours past and Tommy, left still feeling a bit empty about what he saw that conspired in front of him he bitterly sighed he walked a few minutes now he was down 5 minutes to his temporary home as he walked he bumped into a group of people when he opened his eyes he saw the group they had knifes and weapon Tommy, tried to back up but there where some in back of him too three on front and three on back Tommy, was cornered they each had a weapon but bad for them Tommy, wasn't in a good mood so he concentrated and focused on trying to leave but the moment he tried to leave they had cut him Tommy held his wound and started to cry so instead of trying to leave he did something his mother told him not to do "GO KILL YOURSELF," Tommy, said then he looked at the dismayed people unable to control there own bodies they put the knife at the neck crying at the sight of the warm red liquid slipping down their necks "please stop I don't want to die, please don't make us-" Tommy looked at the one who was talking they were a couple of years older then Tommy himself Tommy, thought about 13 years old they were except for the youngest who might have been around Tommy's, age but he didn't care his mind was on something else so he put his hand over his neck he flattened it and made a screeching sound then only the older ones had put there knifes in there throat Tommy, in a messed up way was happy they stopped asking please he watched as they bled out and died the youngest was horrified and ran hours later when the boy came back Tommy was already gone he looked at the discolored body's and cried as the crimson red liquid moves towards him "brothers no," the young boy said angrily "I'll get you back for this!." he yelled.