The art of not knowing part 3

Katie, has read a news article about 6 dead bodies she felt worried as it's near the area she drops off Daniel she thinks of a decision to drive him until it's safe, on one of the day she had driven him she had stopped at a red light a conversation started "mama?" Daniel, had said wondering something "yes honey bun" Katie, said instantly thinking of a cutesy nickname Daniel kinda felt different like all those other times "what is it called when your heart beats fast when someone says something and you feel something for them but not like that?" Daniel, said puzzled at what he's felt Katie, was confused until she finally got it "it means that your feeling loved if it's a dad figure then just the person being there and making you feel good for the first time why you asked?" Katie, said wondering then Daniel shook his head not wondering any more he smiled "nothing mama I love you" he said "I love you too" Katie, said smiling then the red light turned green and Katie drove.