A switch

The bitterly flavor of wind wakes Katie, up she remembers today is the day she must return Daniel she felt a pain in her chest something that didn't feel like she quickly dropped of Daniel and went to her Therapist she informed him about all the things he missed "so now that I must switch Daniel and Tommy back I just have this aching pain in my heart and I don't know what it is do you?" Katie, had said worriedly she remembered she is too young to die of a heart attack she clenched her chest in worry but the doctor reassured her "you have nothing to worry about what your feeling is guilt the guilt is because you gave Daniel more mothering then Tommy your body and mind are making you feel bad as you've never done anything with your son you've always were out doing other work instead of doing what you should have done for your main job that is take care of your son and be there for him as long as you can now it also may mean that you miss being important to your son and you hate having not been there for him now I know this may not be a good idea but think about asking your son if he wants a baby sibling" "thank you rose you know for a friend with powers to understand emotions your good" Katie said laughing and smiling at the thought then rose nodded and Katie left smiling hours later she picks up Tommy, she sits him in the back and she sees the look in his eye it was full of envy anger and sadness Katie, immediately tried to perk things up but she saw it hadn't worked "so I was wondering how would you like if you had a sibling to play and do stuff with" Katie, said looking at the rear view mirror waiting for his response "ya! Mama I want a baby sibling maybe he or she will play and hang out with me" Tommy, said smiling happily but inside he was saddened as before he had briefly became the villain and his mother doesn't know he didn't mean to he was scared he felt a pain and he realized he started to cry he quickly crawled into a ball Katie, saw what conspired so she quickly pulled over and entered the back seat trying her best to comfort him "my little boy do you not want a baby sibling?" Katie, Saddened " I do want a sibling mama but I don't think you want me I'm a bad person mama.. I hurt people I'm a villain a monster" Tommy, said with a saddened face and as he clenched his stomach he starts to cry a bit "Thomas Gorge Levin the longest I've known you which is literally for 2 an a half years plus when you were a baby you would never hurt a fly so stop saying these degrading words about yourself!" Katie, said angrily "but it's true those 6 kids that had killed themselves wasn't actually them killing themselves I made them mama... I'm a monster a disgusting freak" Tommy, said while crying and clenching his stomach he remembered the sight as if it was yesterday Katie, was surprised at what he said he wouldn't say any demeaning words about the dead or about murder so she knew he was telling the truth "we'll look Tommy for what ever you hurt them they probably deserved it plus they were from a gang in southern Toronto called the ace mainly working for a villain called the king... so ya Tommy it's ok to sometimes accidentally kill someone If there hurting you or someone you care for" Katie, said lovingly "and look I know your worried thinking that I'm a hero I'm going to report you but truth is they can't truly point you towards the murder as your only 9 and one person so unless if they got effective proof they can't put you in jail" Katie, said while hugging Tommy "so you won't report me?" Tommy, said confused Katie, shaked her head so hard it could fall off Katie then got out of the car and entered the drivers seat restarting the car and driving.