CHAPTER 1 - Beginning of Her Story

"So...what do you think?"

Elaina Raine, a modern-time normal Author sits calmly on her chair, facing the editor in front of her, who's reading the written draft and manuscript of her first-time novel and studying her work intensely.

Despite the calm exterior she showed off in her body language, she couldn't help but fidget nervously with slight twitches of her fingers she tried to hide by placing her one hand over the other on her lap.

The editor's eyes darted left and right, to and fro and giving out soft humming sounds of her thoughtfulness while reading the manuscript.

Then the woman looked at Elaina with the same perusing thoughtful look when she asked the question aloud after a momentary silence.

"Well, " she began with a small pause, raising her glasses with a finger. "I have to admit this is a good piece of work, but I'm sorry to say that it's lacking, Ms. Raine."

The writer blinked twice as if she couldn't believe what she just heard.


"Listen--the draft of your novel you wrote here is fine and all, and the plot of it piqued my interest, including the input of its characters and subject analysis but it's lacking the 'oomph' that will intrigue people into reading this." the editor said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But," she protested.

"I'm sorry but I have to reject this," she said in a voice that sounded final.

Elaina wanted to argue but she instantly decided that the fight wasn't worth it.

She did a deep breath and took her work handed back to her. "Okay, sure."

The editor smiled warmly which didn't reach her criticizing eyes. "Good. I'm glad you understand."

She returned the smile wanly and said. "Yeah, I do."



Elaina ranted loud and angry while slamming one of her fists hard at the table she's placed in a small-corner cafe.

"Whoa-whoa! Calm down, Elaina! Don't get yourself worked up too much!" her best friend Emily Bright said and looked around nervously as if someone else might complain of the noise.

Elaina sighed as she reached for her tea and took a drink from it. "That--piece of 'so-called' editor doesn't know how long and how hard I've worked and written my work for!"

"True, but she did have a point."

Emily explained quickly when Elaina glared at her. "I mean--your story is great! I'll admit it when you let me read it first, but honestly, I think you're missing something that will get others hooked into your novel, Elaina."

"Like what?"

The young author asked, instantly curious about how she could have missed something when she wrote it. After almost 3 years of writing her first story, her first fantasy adventure novel, she didn't think of something else that she forgot to write in.

And no matter how many editors she had brought and shown it to, they all rejected her work and gave her the same annoying responses or replies that her story is lacking.

"Like maybe a touch of intriguing mystery? Or thrilling suspense?" Emily suggested, listing off what are the most valued subjects in literature. "Or maybe even romance?"

"Ugh!" Elaina shuddered at the latter part, not liking the idea of adding romance in her story. But she had to admit that her friend did give some good advice. When she was writing, she researched first on everything that she needed to do the original work of her novel.

She learned that romance has become the top 1-rated and high valued book genre in the markets of literature. Second to that of fantasy and science fiction.

It has become a hit worldwide and other authors were very good at it, including combining genres like fantasy romance or historical romance.

Too bad though that Elaina wasn't very good at that kind of subject. It's not only because she's not really into romance, that she's a virgin for so long and that the only love she knows was from reading about it and dreaming fantasies of it.

How embarrassing and humiliating for a woman like Elaina Raine to be a virgin and not even know the meaning and full experience of sex at 30 years old the way she is right now.

Her friend doesn't know and there is no way in a million years beyond her lifetime that she'll say or admit anything about it.

Elaina sighed again and said, "It looks like I've got a lot of things to do again."

"You'll tell me once you've finished right?" Emily asked with stars in her eyes.

She chuckled at her enthusiasm, "Of course. After all, you're my best friend and my only first fan in the world, Emily Bright."

She beamed brightly at the praise, just like her namesake, making Elaina chuckle again.

Both finished their drinks, left the cafe and went off in different ways.

Elaina started to make a short trip to a bookstore to buy another notebook for her new notes and guide in her story to be rewritten.

It didn't take long for her to find it at the first sight she's seen.

A simple yet old antique bookstore that looked to be stuck in the medieval times. But to her, it looked nice and decent, instead of strange and creepy as she went inside.

The bell latched on the top of the door rung inside with a sound ding, and the manager came out on cue.

She's a fair elderly lady in her 60's, and yet she still seemed to be healthy and fit. Her warm gentle eyes smiled behind the glasses she's wearing.

"Oh my, welcome! How may I help you?" the old woman said kindly.

Elaina nodded back to her and looked around. "Do you sell any blank notebooks here? And pencils and pens?"

She nodded and pointed to one of the aisles at the back. "The supplies are there, my dear. Just call for assistance if you need any."

She nodded and went to where the elder pointed and found what she's looking for.

Notebooks and pens in various types, sizes, and colors are there displayed at two shelves, but Elaina found something unique and a little strange when she got into the back.

In the middle at the end of the two bookshelves, stands there one small display stand that shows off a rare antique-looking thick book, with an antique writing pen on top of it.

When she came closer to take look at it, she found that the book is completely blank with absolutely nothing written inside as she flipped the paper pages.

She was curious about why a big old book is empty despite its unique bound book cover with its pretty mythical design.

The writing pen is also unique and lovely as it looked to be handcrafted and shaped to be a miniature figure of a medieval-age sword, with an intricate image of yellow gold hilt at the top and silver-white blade down to the end.

She looked and studied at the items intensely with deep thoughts and then she finally noticed the price tags that were attached to both the book and pen.

At first, she didn't think of buying items like this but there's something about them that calls to her inner writer.

So she decided to take them, even without knowing the mysterious specialty that resonates with them.

She went back to the elderly lady and paid for the items, as the woman just smiled at her, and Elaina went out of the bookshop with the paper bag in her hands.

Elaina didn't know that after she left and the door closed behind her... the old woman who is still smiling had her eyes seemed to glow eerily in a mysterious and ominous way.


After purchasing the items from the bookstore, and also buying food for her dinner, Elaina came home to her modest and simple apartment.

It was simple and modest and just the way the adult woman liked it.

She dropped her groceries by the kitchen counter and went straight to her desk, where there is all of her work.

Elaina looked among the items as if studying them before she nodded her head and took out her new book and pen.

She moved aside some of the papers and things that were in the middle and then placed them there before she opened it and looked at the first blank pages thoughtfully with little tapping from her new fantasy-like pen against the wood of her desk.

Once she made up her thoughts and mind on what kind of rewriting she'll do for her story, she started writing the first words and things that came in her mind and the ink from the pen cleanly writes into the paper for the amateur writer.

However, what the writer didn't know.

It is that her fantasy story--will suddenly become her reality.

