CHAPTER 2 - Story of The World of Eden


Elaina was thoughtful for a moment when she was inside her apartment, and sitting by her desk and ready to rewrite her story into the new book she bought with her new fantasy-like pen.

She looked around at the various papers with drawings, pictures, and story notes about her story that is placed beside and around her on the desk, with a distant gaze on her face, and her mind is full of thoughts and ideas running inside her head before she started to write.

She made sure that everything subjective from her previous written story is the same in the new rewritten one.


Everything starts with a unique yet mysterious beginning.

And this is one world that came to be.

The world of Eden.

And therein that world lies one single massive and large continent, surrounded by a vast ocean known as Seanoace.

In this continent, it is divided into five nations, one in the center and the middle of it is the main capital called the Alanova Capital. It is the nation where only the cities and towns of the world population's civilization are.

Also surrounding the capital is a very dark thick forest known as Nekrad Secdur. It's also called as the 'Cursed Dark Forest'.

On the north is known as Baseat, where it is a region and land of rocky mountains.

On the south is Evelan, a grand land of thick greenery and forests.

On the west are Evitan, a hot region of sands and blazing deserts.

And finally on the last nation at the east, is Erivam. A foggy covered land filled with shrouded mists and darkness.

This Eden world is unlike any other world you would ever encounter.

At least not in reality.

For this world is another world full of fantasy and magic.

For this world, there is only not just humans populating it.

There are also elves, dwarves, beast-people, shapeshifters, dhampirs, vampires, merpeople, and lots more of these magical beings and mythical creatures.

All light and dark types, the magic users and non-magic users, and the sentient and non-sentient beings.

Although these many races live or travel in different places among the five nations of the continent of Eden.

Each of the nations had the various residents that live permanently in them.

For the human race, they live in Alanova Capital.

In Baseat in the north region, there lived the beast-people and the dwarves.

In Evelan at the south, there lived the elves, dryads, and nymphs.

In Erivam at the east, there lived the dhampirs, vampires, and dark creatures.

In Evitan at the west, there lived the wild and native-like humans, and shape-shifters.

In the oceans surrounding the continent, there lived the water beings like merpeople and such creatures like that.

Finally, on the forest known as Nekrad Secdur that surrounds Alanova Capital, there lived the darkest type of creatures, like shadow monsters or demon-like terrifying beings that lurk and hide in the cursed dark forest.

This is the world--the world of Eden.

A fantastical magical and also mysterious and mythical world, unlike any other worlds you might know or encounter.

A world where your heart's desires and dreams come true.

And also a world where your worst nightmares and darkest fears come to life.

But in this grand world, this is the place that you surely want to see.

And this is how it all started.

With the origins and births of the fantastical races, its energy of magic, and the most astounding object and heart of it all that had borne the continent of Eden.

This object is known to be called…the Fiery Blade.

And here is how it all begins.

Enter into the world of Eden--if you wish or dare to.


Between writing and giving herself a break, Elaina edited and rewrites everything and making sure that she didn't miss out on any blank pages to write down notes while writing out all contents in her story.

Just as Elaina stretched her arms up and do some home aerobic exercises for a few minutes of her break, she didn't notice that all of her notes and writings into the new book started glowing like a magic as if to etch permanently into the pages.

By the time she had finished doing whatever relaxing exercises she needed to relieve her fatigue, the glowing instantly stopped and the book seemed to look normal again.

Then Elaina sat down again and continued on writing, oblivious and unknowing over the sudden strange happenings that are occurring near her.

After the time had gone by so fast in a passing blur, including the break time to eat meals or relax her mind shortly and then continue writing, it was already late at night and Elaina was so surprised on seeing the time as she turned to look at it.

She instantly stopped writing, as she decides to be done for the day and then continues on the next one tomorrow to the book of her new story.

She closed the book with the pen inside as a bookmark and then she sighed as if instantly exhausted from what she's doing as she went off to change her clothes into sleeping ones and go to sleep.

As she goes into her bed and snuggles under her comfy blankets, Elaina didn't know that her fantasy imaginative story will become changed in a way that she will not expect.

And she wouldn't know it until it came straight at her like a speeding truck out of nowhere upon trying to cross a street.

Just as Elaina drifted off into a peaceful and heavy-dreamless slumber, the book glowed again, brighter than before and the new pen she used also glowed as well inside it as if the two items' magic are responding to their writer's heart's desires and wishes when she wrote about the story of the world of Eden.

