CHAPTER 3 - The Fiery Blade


Elaina had woken up, instantly took a bath and then ate breakfast and coffee quickly to be wide awake and alert, and after she had done these, she went straight to her desk and continue on with her tasks for the day.

Luckily for her, she has a part-time job to make ends meet and she also has a steady income and savings for herself to live on in her apartment.

Elaina continued writing for her rewritten story, not knowing that there were special circumstances that happened strangely magical and unusually mystical while she was asleep before.

She then continued on to wherever she left off and did some added notes in the book as she writes down.

Her face gave out and expressed different emotions on her face, on both her thoughts and ideas that she had in her head as she wrote them down into the book of her story.

The more she went on writing and adding in more in this special book, the more she didn't know that something fantastical and mystical is happening before her that she still wasn't aware and doesn't know about it.


The Fiery Blade.

A magical and mystical weapon.

Forged unknown by whoever and whatever parts that had made and created it.

Many stories were told that this magic blade had fallen from the heavenly skies.

Others say that this blade emerged from the depths of the earth.

There are some that believed it was forged by someone and then enchanted with magic.

Some others also say that it was blessed or cursed when it appeared.

There are so many mysteries about this mythical weapon.

But there is only one truth about this magical blade.

This magical weapon chooses its wielder itself.

There seems to be no reasonable explanation as if to who or why it chooses the wielder instead of the other way around.

Whether it was magical or enchanted to do so, the Fiery Blade would only choose its wielder as its chosen one to use it.

The Fiery Blade has many kinds of magical abilities that it can do.

There are elemental kinds of water, fire, earth, and air. There are also dark and light kinds, and finally, there is also the cursed and blessed types.

But the latter part about the cursed and blessed ones have not emerged and been activated from the Fiery Blade yet because it is not time for those kinds of powers to bear fruit and reveal out.

In so many ways, the Fiery Blade is the most powerful magical weapon in the world of Eden.

There are still so many unsolved mysteries and unknown stories about it to know more about this magical item. But so far, those have been lost and were never seen again.

The Fiery Blade is a great symbol of hope and power that unites all the divided nations of the continent and it is considered a weapon not for war but for peace.

But before more would be told about this Fiery Blade.

This story starts with the age of peace, followed by the age of tyranny.

And mysteriously as the Fiery Blade is, it will suddenly disappear one day once its chosen wielder dies and will only appear again as the newly chosen one comes once more.


Before she was about to continue and write more, her cell phone rang and she answered it instantly as she stopped writing.

"Hello?" Elaina answered.

[Hi, Elaina! So how's the new story of your novel coming along?] her best friend Emily talked as she called her.

She smiled before she responded to her call. "I think I pretty much have a nice starting point with the new one. It's still the same kind of content and topic, but I'm considering the romantic concept to add it into the fantasy genre and then just going with the flow as I write it down."

[Oh, that's great! Would you mind giving me some hints or spoilers about it?] she asked excitedly.

Elaina almost scoffed out loud as she scolded, "then that would ruin my surprise of this story to my future readers."

She believes that Emily must be pouting at the other end of the phone as she cursed at her. [Spoilsport!]

"Now, now--that's not a nice way to say to your friend who had said that she loved my stories!" Elaina said coyly.

[Even so…you don't need to hold it back and keep it secret from me! Your best friend!] she complained whining.

Elaina laughed a little as she stopped instantly. "Okay, I need to get back to working and writing on. I'll call you again later, Emily."

[Alright, will do! But--you better promise me that you'll give me a little hint about what your story's about!] Emily warned her in a semi-threatening way that got Elaina amused again at her play-acting.

"Okay, okay, I promise. Bye, Emily."


The call between them ended and Elaina sighed as she looked and studied her writings and the notes of the work in her new story.

Then she decided to have a break for a while as she stood up from her chair and moved away from the desk to do her usual home aerobic exercises to keep her mind alert and active before she goes back to writing.

So far it was a good start just as she said to her friend, but what the writer still doesn't know that by the time the next day comes, her story 'The Fiery Blade' that was written in the new book, will be unexpectedly changed into something great and magical that the real-modern woman couldn't even imagine or would not even expect it.

As she had turned around, she didn't even notice that the book and pen were glowing again, its mysterious magic responding to the writer's writings and notes written on the book about her story of 'The Fiery Blade'.

