CHAPTER 4 - A Fiery Rebirth


As Elaina spent almost a week on rewriting her story, she didn't know that the new book she got and the pen has been glowing continuously with her being unaware of any of it because she was very focused on rewriting her whole story into a new one.

Also, she didn't know what's been going on around her apartment with her other neighbors, like a couple having an argument, or a group of teenagers having a party with loud music, or even an old man who is snoring away sleeping with the television turned on.

The writer had tuned out all of these noises in her apartment as she got busy with writing her story.

However, Elaina wasn't aware that something ominous and grim will happen at her place and she wouldn't be able to realize it until it was already too late.

As she kept on working and writing on with her story, somewhere in the upper floors of her neighbors in the apartment building, the ones who are having a blasting loud party, they had some loose circuitry and exposed wiring in their electrical system that started sparking.

It seemed only a little bit but as time had passed and the neighbor living in that place didn't put it out, the sparks grew more and the electric bits started reaching towards instantly flammable things, like the alcohol-soaked rugs on the floor or the fluttering curtains by the windows that were flying from the wind of the electric fans or something else.

By the time the sparks had lit fire right into the curtains and then spread on the carpets, it was too late.

There were a few cries from the other people in the party as they had noticed the fire, and by the time fear had spread into their minds and common sense has been lost on them to put it out, the little fire has grown into a very big one and all the teenagers and people that were in the party were running for their lives, getting out of the apartment.

The other apartment tenants have also run out once the fire alarm rang out and had seen the party people running like hellhounds were chasing them, they join in to escape the fire that's now instantly spreading like wildfire inside the apartment building.

The only one who had stayed behind and was still unaware of what's going on was just Elaina the writer.

Either she was so distracted or stupid, it didn't take long for her to realize that the whole apartment was on fire when she started to smell smoke fogging up into her place.

Elaina whirled around swiftly and saw a fiery blaze trying to swiftly enter through her doors, she jumped up and went towards the windows to get out and reach for the fire escape.

But when she opened the windows, a fiery blaze blocked her way and she jumped back to prevent herself from being caught by its blazing and burning heat.

When she heard sirens of the fire department coming, she shouted and made noise to let any of the fire workers know that she's there.

She continued doing that while also covering her mouth and nose from inhaling the smoke and fire that's engulfing her apartment but unfortunately for her, the fire grew more and more inside and she was trapped and was going to be burnt alive.

By the time the fire rescuers had heard the noises and her cries, they were too late, they heard unearthly inhuman screams from the poor victim that got caught by the fire and being burnt alive, but they didn't know that screaming was actually coming from Elaina who was suddenly mysterious and magically pulled by the blinding light that was coming from the book she was writing on.

And strangely enough, her pen that she used to write for her story on the book, it grew in size until it looked like it became a real sword and it flew straight into Elaina's hands and then she disappeared instantly with loud screams before the blazing fire got to her.

Elaina, her book and transformed sword-pen had instantly disappeared and when the apartment was being doused and dealt with by the fire workers, they wouldn't find any trace or remains left behind of her, but only black ashes.

Little did the people of Elaina's modern real world know, is that the writer had just been reborn in a twist of fate, and magically brought into another world.

Specifically, a fantasy magical world that the writer would never expect to be pulled into.


Elaina was groaning like she's in pain and she can feel her head aching as if she fell from her apartment building or something.

When she opened her eyes, she was shocked and suddenly afraid when she found herself in an unknown place that she doesn't seem to recognize but somehow the scenery seemed a bit familiar to her.

She sat up, ignoring the sudden pain again in her head and body as she looked around.

She's somewhere in the middle of a forest with bright sunlight basking over the area she's in and everywhere she looked, she couldn't seem to see any sign of familiar modern sights or people in the place.

"Whoa--okay, I'm definitely not in Kansas anymore or something."

Elaina said and felt like saying those words as she kept looking around at her unfamiliar surroundings.

Then she noticed something else when she spoke those words out loud.

She blinked confused with a hand up to touch her throat. "Okay, why do I sound different?"

And another split-second she noticed more differences about herself as she looked at her hands, which seemed to be smaller than before.

"Am I having double-vision from the fire or something?" she exclaimed incredulously as she shakes her head to try to shake off the fog she's feeling.

Then Elaina knew that she needed to look at a reflection or something to see and assess what injuries she has on herself.

She noticed a small pond and weakly stood up to her feet and walked towards it. When she reached the edge, she knelt down and bends forward to look at her watery reflection.

What Elaina the writer didn't expect is that she's looking at a different face in the clear surface of the water.

It didn't take long for Elaina to realize with shock and horror as she raised a hand to her new face that is very familiar to her since she's the very one who created and wrote about this character.

Somehow, her fiery rebirth has turned and gotten her reborn into the heroine of her story of the 'Fiery Blade'--who is known as Arteria Blaze!

