CHAPTER 8 - Motivation and Drive


Throughout all of Arteria's chaotic thoughts over what had happened before and seeing the other lead character in the story, Arty was aware enough to join the others and eat their dinner once it's ready and then when it's time for bed, Arty and Emyrie went straight to sleep and rest until another new day arrives.

Before Arty closed her eyes and surrendered into slumber, she thought to herself that she might be able to think clearly by the next day and start making plans and decisions over what she's going to do.

Once the next day had come, the sun rising and shining its light through the open cottage windows, Arty instantly woke up early and first to face the day.

She sat up on her bed and looked to see that Emyrie is still asleep, and Arty was satisfied at that as she got off the bed, changed her clothes quickly, and went off to the library to start thinking deeply and make plans on what to do to play out her role as the main character of the story.

As she tiptoed quietly, checking on the adults to see if they're still asleep or busy doing something else in the early morning, she found that they are and headed straight to the room where there are all the books she needed.

She looked around, grabbed the most important books she needs to learn and know, and then started reading through them to gain more knowledge on them and the world she's in.

Though she might have needed Emyrie's help, the little girl magician is still a child so it looks like Arty is going to be doing this alone for the time being.

It was fortunate for Arty that she has an intelligent mind to absorb all that she can to learn and know everything.

It took a few hours for her to process all the books she's reading and stored them in her head before she heard some noticeable sounds that the adults seemed to be searching around for her, and Arty hurriedly put away all the books, but she marked those that she'll continue later.

Arty went out and played along, as usual, being the cute young girl that she is, and her grandparents smiled back when they saw her and called her over for breakfast.

Emyrie had just arrived, seeing that she's still a bit sleepy when her mother got her to eat, then the small family gathered around to have their breakfast.

They didn't notice at all that Arty was being slightly absentminded and that she was thinking deeply over something.

After breakfast, Emyrie piped out that she and Arty are going to play and Arty didn't protest as she went along and needed the short break since she spent almost a long time reading the books in the library.

The grandparents and Emyrie's mother consented and let them go but they also cautioned them to not go too far and get themselves lost in the forest.

Arty said in a responsible way to promise them that they won't and they almost gush at her adorable childishness.

Once Emyrie and Arty went out and play tag and hide-and-seek around the cottage, it was almost noon and nearly lunchtime that Emyrie suddenly stopped and went back into the cottage to see if lunch is ready yet.

Arty stayed behind outside, let herself lie on the grassy soft ground and look up into the cloudy blue sky.

She let herself relax a bit, while she's thinking deeply in her mind over whatever she's thinking.

Arty mentally sighed knowing that some of her decisions and plans she's making and about to make are way too hasty and fast.

But after seeing the other main character Prince Adrian back in the town before, she had no choice.

She had to find the magic weapon that is the Fiery Blade and find allies soon in order for the rebellion against the Mad King to start forming and find a way to defeat the crazy king without dying.

Even though there weren't any whispers about her yet since it's too early to tell, it won't take long for rumors to spread and reach towards the villainous king that the wielder of the Fiery Blade might have been chosen and found.

And she didn't want to die that early.

So for starters, she needed to make a list, an important list with all the key factors that she had created, known, and written into the story before it comes to an end.

First, of course, finding exactly where the Fiery Blade is and be its newly chosen wielder as the story goes.

Next, finding the exact allies who are the key to the rebellion against the Mad King.

Next again, meeting Prince Adrian when the time comes and have him brought to the fold of the rebellion against his crazy tyrannous father.

And next again, find out and discover how to activate the hidden power of the Fiery Blade to defeat the Mad King, without being sacrificed and then die at the end.

Then finally, finding the way back home in the real world.

Arty didn't know what to do again as she pondered over all of this. There's been obstacles and difficulties concerning the unexpected changes in the story, but she believed that as the main character and as its writer, she'll be able to breeze through it without any problems.

Her determination into seeing this through and trying to find a way back home to her former modern world has given her the motivation and drive to do this.

