CHAPTER 9 - Arteria Blaze and The Fiery Blade


Though Arty didn't know where to start, there is one thing that she could focus on which is the source and the start of all this that made the story happen.

Finding the Fiery Blade.

And it was a good thing that she remembered clearly where it is, but the problem besides finding and getting it.

You have to go through a series of trials that would prove the worth of the heroine for the story.

'Easier said than done.'

Arty thought to herself as the years passed and she's now at the right age at 15 years old that she had written in the story where she'd be finding the magical weapon and then go through obstacles to prove her worth as its chosen wielder.

As a writer, she had written about the trials, but she hasn't completed all of them and started writing about what is going to happen because when she had written her story onto the new book, the story notes were first before the beginning chapters of the story.

'Sometimes, I wish that I was a fast-thinking and speedy writer back then.' Arty thought to herself again while she prepared her things to go on the journey to find the magical blade.

But it's lucky and fortunate for her that she remembered the clues to finding the Fiery Blade and that it's only four obstacle trials she'll have to fight through to get there.

Granted, during the years she had spent with her grandparents and Emyrie and her magician mother, she only learns and knows enough to live a normal life. But Arty knew that she'll have to play out the story in the way she had exactly written it before more unexpected changes come into like before with Prince Adrian.

Now that she's 15 years old, which is a legal age here in the world of Eden, she is ready to travel to town independently, and her family understood, despite that her grandparents will be mourning a little on her departure.

The young magician who's now about 13 years old wanted to go along with her in her travels but she was refused by her mother since she's still young and that she still needs to go to a magic academy first to harness her magic, before her coming of age.

Emyrie was disappointed and upset when her mother told her this, but she became happy when Arty had told her friend that they will exchange contact to each other by writing letters and that she can use her magic familiar, which is an owl, to send it back and forth even with the distances away from them.

Emyrie beamed with a wide smile at this and she hugged her tightly before helping Arty out to pack her things and other stuff that she needs to bring.

Arty's grandparents thought that the kind of new life their granddaughter will be partaking maybe a normal job in the town she's heading to, but they didn't know that Arty has other plans and she felt a little guilty in keeping it secret from them since they don't know that she'll be going in a dangerous journey ahead of her.

They also wanted to stay in contact too and Arty promise to do so, as she ignored the twinges of guilt inside herself, knowing that the path she's going to go might not have the means of communication to get back to her family.

Still, while on her adventures, she'll try her best so that they wouldn't worry about her before they caught wind of the truth that she won't be at the town village living or working a normal life there.

As Arty prepared her things, she also packed in the papers that held her secret plans and notes just in case she might forget something crucial or important of the story she's playing out and about to take on the role of the heroine.

When she was writing these papers, she made sure that they were all in different codes, just in case her grandparents, Emyrie or her mother might see them.

During those years and as time passed by when she wrote them, they all thought it's some childish gibberish or something. But Arty made sure to hide them away before they started to think otherwise that she might be hiding something from them.

Anyway, she's all packed and ready now to leave and her grandparents wished her safe travels as she goes to town and had given her a packed lunchbox in case she gets hungry on the way.

Arty appreciated the gesture even though she's lying to her own family about where she's actually going.

But this isn't her real life, this is her story, a story of magic and fantasy--not reality. And it doesn't help that she somehow became the main character of it, and in the ending, she will die when she fights the enemy.

So she had to mentally repeat in her head that she's just playing a role here until she discovers something or finds a way to return back to the real modern world.

Arty left, waving goodbye to her family and her friends and she walks down the path heading towards the town, needing to buy some supplies and other necessities for the trip she's planning to go through.

And so, she embarks on the journey to go through, on finding clues and going through the trials and obstacles to find and retrieve the magical weapon.

Then once she finds it and wields it as its chosen, Arteria Blaze and the Fiery Blade will be ready to tackle the world of Eden by storm and fight against the enemies and evil that plagues it.

