CHAPTER 16 - The Beginning of Her Training


In the encampment of the freedom fighters on the first days for Arty staying with them, her training to be a better warrior had started.

Arty had woken up from some noise outside her tent and after she cleaned and dressed herself up, she came out and saw that some of the freedom fighters were training themselves or sparring to hone their fighting skills.

One of them, who looked to be one of the leading trainers, had noticed me and then approached me so that she would start my training and join with the others and become a good fighter.

Arty didn't mind even if it turned out that she might result in being mediocre in fighting, but she'll need to learn much so that she could defend herself and fight in the future whenever she needed it or not.

It will depend on the severity of the story's situation of the heroine's role whether she needed some serious level training or not.

In any case, Arty took her first steps into the first days of her training. Everything that she needs to learn on fighting, from hand-to-hand combat, mixed martial arts and then the use of weaponry in hand.

It was fortunate that all of the elite and veteran freedom fighters have known all kinds of fighting arts, and Arty will make sure that she will learn every one of those kinds, even if she fails or does not succeed in some of them.

First, she took on the hand fighting styles for the first few days in her time staying with the freedom fighters.

Sure, she had suffered some bruises and bumps while being thrown down or hit as she fought against her sparring opponent, but she managed to learn quickly and counter back until the trainer stopped her and announced that she had passed.

The next style of fighting is hand fighting with a small melee weapon in hand, like a dagger, knife or a small weapon of sorts. Again, she caught some cuts and bruising again on her body as more days passed by until the time came that she passed her training in that fighting style with small weapons and then she moved on to the next one again.

This time, it was fighting with swords and shields. It was difficult maneuvering those weapons while trying to mix some leg-fighting moves or maneuvers, but Arty managed to succeed much as she could until the trainer announced that she passed again.

She took a break for herself to recover from her body bruising, hits and wounds until she got her full strength and continues again to the next fighting level.

The next fighting style she needed to be training in and learning, is that she'll need to sharpen her other senses and try to fight while being blindfolded.

She'll need to practice and meditate on this before she tries to fight blind with the others on that particular special training.

It took about three whole days for her to perfect and hone her other senses a little before she decided to take a chance into learning and training herself in that unique level of fighting.

Granted, some of the other freedom fighters were hesitant and dubious of her that Arty might not be able to pull it off. But they have seen her determination throughout the whole time she had been training, that she is determined to see this through everything.

Even their own leader of the freedom fighting group was impressed at her tenacity and relentlessness towards her trying to become a better fighter, which she is doing not for glory or wealth--but just for herself.

So it started again and Arty was ready and she was given a long wooden staff that is the weapon she'll be using to defend herself once she starts her training into trusting her other sharp senses and instincts and fighting blind.

Arty stood still for a moment, listening keenly at the silent tension before she heard and sensed movement.

She quickly deflected with the wooden staff she held from behind when something was about to hit her back and succeeded.

Then she threw the strike off and then turned around swiftly to blindly face her unknown attacker from behind until she sensed something else about to attack her again but from beside her.

She moved swiftly and blocked another blow or strike from her left side and then threw the attacker off and backed away, her other senses seemed to be growing sharper as she keeps relying on them more.

Then she felt movement coming at her by the vibrations she's feeling beneath her feet and she instantly ducked and roll when two or three fighters tried to tackle her over but missed.

Just as she stood up straight and was about to ready herself in fighting stance position when she missed something that was coming at her from the front and she fell right on her back with a sound grunt when she got hit by something right at her gut.

Arty groaned as she carefully stood back up on her feet and readied her staff again to face her opponent. She knew that this is only half of the beginning of her training and that it will be a difficult time for her, but she knew that she'll have to endure with all of her determination and effort so that she'll become the greatest warrior in the future and play the role as the heroine of the story.

