CHAPTER 17 - More Training and The First Task


Almost a month has passed by and time flies so fast, that it surprised Arteria Blaze, also calling herself Arty when she found out about it as she stayed with the group of freedom fighters for the training she needs to be a better fighter and good warrior.

She tries to do her best to learn and know everything that she can from the training and being good at fighting. Though she did plan on not being too good or a bit mediocre to fight and defend herself, she is determined to try all of her best to do so.

Just as she finished another fighting level that consists of alternating between the use of spear and dagger in a battle, the training was stopped for a moment from the leader of the freedom fighters who came and interrupted it.

The freedom fighter trainer bowed in respect to his leader while Arty nodded and bowed her head a little too before the leader nodded back to them. Then the leader told the trainer to leave the Arty and him alone for a moment and the trainer walked off, leaving them behind and alone in the clearing where they're standing nearby the edge of the forest.

Arty wondered about what the leader needed something from her and then he spoke first and she listened to what he's saying attentively.

"I had watched you the whole time you were training with my fighters. I have to admit that I'm impressed with your tenacity and determination," he remarked to her, making her blush a bit at the slight praising words he told her. "But you still have a long way to go on becoming a good warrior, young lady."

His latter sentence disappointed her a bit but Arty didn't mind as she is going to give it all her best to keep on training and fighting better.

But then Arty tensed a bit when he said the next thing that she didn't expect him to say. "But until you continue with your training, there are a series of tasks that I need to test you with before you want to try continuing with this endeavor to make yourself into a great fighter."

She was nervous at what the tasks are that the leader said he needed to test her for something or what. She couldn't ask him out loud and let him continue to speak about it.

The leader somehow could sense her nervousness and told her a bit reassuring. "You can relax for you need a few more days with your training, but about a week from now, you will be facing the first of the many tasks that you must complete and I will see if you pass the tests that you are worthy to keep staying with the freedom fighting group and continue your training with us. Understood?"

Arty almost gave out a sigh of relief on hearing this that she got a little more time to prepare herself for what's coming and she nodded to the leader that she understands which satisfied him of her answer.

She could tell that the leader had expected at first that she was going to refuse about the tasks, but he was surprised again and also impressed at her bravery on coming forward to be tested so that she would stay with them for a long while.

He turned around and left her alone and the trainer that was teaching her before the leader came, had returned and then continued with the fighting training with Arty.

Though Arty looked like she's now distracted on her thoughts about what the leader had told her and everything, she focused on finishing the training she's going through for the day and then think about it after they're finished.

Unfortunately, it almost took them a long time for them to be finished because somehow Arty got slightly distracted and absentminded over her and the leader's previous conversation, that she couldn't focus at all on the training she's doing now and it almost worried or frustrated the trainer that's teaching her.

The trainer had swung his staff and hit her once more as she fell back on the ground as it's almost sundown for the day.

Arty groaned as she carefully moved her aching tired body to get up once more and keep on fighting again while trying to shake off the thoughts running in her head and distracting her as she tries her best to finish the training and then go rest for the day before the time gets late at night.

She knew that she'll have to endure more training and the first task that she'll need to be prepared for once she is done and finished with everything that she needed to know, both physically and mentally.

Arty wondered to herself what's in store for her after her training and thought about the task that she's about to face in the future.

