CHAPTER 18 - Preparing for the Tasks and Tests


Just as the future heroine of the story, Arteria Blaze had known about the first task that she'll need to take and pass the tests to prove herself to the group of freedom fighters, Arty gave it all her best to train herself more and prepare herself for what's to come at her.

She managed to shake off the thoughts and distractions that she was having inside her head, and wholly focused on more of her training that she needs to go through before the testing task had come at her at the right time the leader of the freedom fighters announces it so.

She didn't know what kind of task it will be or the tests she'll need to pass on because the leader kept it quiet to himself and the other freedom fighters also was silent about it and didn't give her any clue or hint about what it is.

Arty knew that she's doing this to prove herself as she had said before so that they'll decide whether she could stay with them or not in the future.

So she has to be fully prepared over what she's going to face and hope that she'll succeed and pass it to prove her worthiness. And so Arty continued with her training and tried her best to be ready for it.

It was another few days later, almost ending in another week, as Arty went on training herself and then the trainer that was teaching and helping her stopped for a moment, which confused her a little since it's not over yet.

She got her answer on why the trainer stopped is because there were about two to three other freedom fighters approaching them and then one of them was taking in hushed whispers that they want to talk to Arty privately for a moment and then she'll come back and resume her training.

The trainer looked between the freedom fighters and Arty a bit suspicious and worried, but he trusted them and then left them alone.

Arty started to think curiously and in confusion on what the three freedom fighters want to talk to her about alone, and then one of the trios had spoken to her first and she became a little surprised on hearing that the voice is female, for she hasn't met a girl freedom fighter yet when she had stayed and trained among them.

"Why are you so determined to stay and get on with this training?" the freedom fighter asked and she looked curiously at her.

"Yes, and why did you accept the challenge from our leader that you will take on the tasks that he'll be testing you of?" another one had asked, this one sounded like a young teenage male.

Arty knew that she had to be careful in her answers to respond to their questions, and she had to be very careful when she does because she can tell by a first glance that the third one is regarding her suspiciously like she's an enemy among them instead of their friend.

She replied to their questions and made sure she looked as honest and truthful as she could. "As I had said before to your leader, I wish to train myself to become a better fighter. Not for myself, but to help other people. I had realized this with my lack of skills, despite that I manage to succeed in freeing the other slaves before, but I knew that I had to be prepared myself so that I can do it again in the future, and also be well-equipped and skilled for it."

She saw that all three of them looked like they don't believe her at first so she continued speaking. "I know that I may not look like it and all and that I know that I'm just a normal person and everything but--I want to make a difference in the world and have a purpose to help out others. That's all I want to do in my life, nothing more."

After she had said this, the three freedom fighters seem to start to believe her and were satisfied with her answers, so they nodded with respect at Arty's answers and then left her alone, which behind their backs she gave out a soft whooshing sigh of relief.

Once the three freedom fighters have left, the trainer came back, to return to Arty and resume the training. And Arty focused on finishing this and think on it later about her talk with those three freedom fighters.

As Arty was preparing for the tasks and tests that she will be going through very soon, she'll have to be fully prepared and anticipate whatever might come at her once that time comes. She wondered what kind of tests or something that she needs to pass on the first task as she readies herself to face it.

And hopefully, she might be accepted among the freedom fighters if chances are that she might pass and succeed on the first task that she'll be tested on.

