CHAPTER 27 - Friendly Alliances


It was until the next morning of another new day, that Arteria Blaze was called again from the leader to meet with Lord Dark-grip into the private room once more to have another conversation together concerning about her or something else.

At first, Arty was a bit calm on the outside but on the inside, she was very nervous and anxious about what the conversation might be about between them. She hoped that he didn't do something like investigating more into whoever she was in the past or might look into other methods to interrogating who she truly is.

Even though she knew deep down that she's truly safe, considering she came from humble peasant origins, Arty felt like that Lord Eric might have noticed something within her that she's keeping secret or hidden from him.

Still, even though she might be thinking too much about it, she'll have to try to keep her whole being hidden very well so that Lord Eric wouldn't suspect her one bit when they talk later in their private conversation soon.

Nevertheless, she prepared herself once more and dressed casually again just as she was approaching a bit slow towards the same private room where she will be having the conversation with Lord Eric Dark-grip again.

Only this time she is alone and as she knocked on the door of the private office room a bit nervously, she heard Lord Eric's voice softly calling out to come in and she did. Arty saw that he was alone and she slightly winced internally to herself upon realizing that it's only the two of them in the room.

But Arty took an internal deep breath and then readied herself for whatever talk they will have as she shuts the door behind her and then sits down on a chair, facing Lord Eric across her.

He gazed at her again with that intense studying look but then it became gone when his face turned into a kind gentle look and then he offered her tea again and more snacks for Arty to indulge in.

It was strange a bit for him to offer such a thing but Arty kindly accepted it and relaxed into drinking tea and eating some few biscuits, all the while she ignored how Lord Eric is staring at her like she's some sort of mysterious puzzle he needs to work out on and solve.

Anyway, it didn't take long for the two of them to finish with whatever break time they have until they started talking with Lord Eric speaking first and Arty listened with a bit of surprise on the reason why he called her out for.

He wanted to offer her a chance more on joining with the group of freedom fighters by her masquerading herself as a rich noblewoman and be by his side and pretend to be his romantic partner of sorts. Lord Eric quickly explained to her that he needed a companion to ward off any interested parties who wanted to shove female suitors at him for a marriage arrangement or something.

Arty understood and felt a bit of pity for Lord Eric since she knew what his true guise is. So she didn't mind the offer and told him that and she'll be glad to help him in whatever goals he needed to be done with so that the slave-trading will be fully abolished and over with, even though the slave-trading will continue under the Mad King's rule.

Lord Eric was grateful for this and he also suggested a reward for her in case she needs it, but Arty refused the offer as all she wanted was a friendly alliance with him and his group of freedom fighters so that no one else will be forced into slavery.

He was impressed at her courage and tenacity and then they shook hands on it and started making up plans and ideas together on how this partnership will go out and how this masquerade will play and be able to fool others into believing that they are a couple.

So far, Arty let Lord Eric do all the planning and giving ideas while she just suggests or gives opinions about whatever he thought of. After almost a few hours into the conversation, it ended with Lord Eric shaking hands gratefully at Arty for her help and then he let her leave as she got out and went back to her room.

It didn't take long again for her to come back into the room and when she got inside, she slumped again in relief and was internally relaxing herself to calm down that the conversation is over. Arty didn't expect that kind of talk at first but she was glad to have it and become somewhat closer to Lord Eric Dark-grip.

After making friendly alliances with Lord Dark-grip, Arty hoped that sometime in the future, she will be trusted with knowing the true identity of the noble leader of the freedom fighters, even though she already knows it.

Hopefully, that time will come but until then Arty will focus on training more and be prepared for when the time comes that she'll go on the quest and face the trials of the Trinity Goddess so that she will obtain the magical weapon, the Fiery Blade and be chosen as its wielder in the future.

