CHAPTER 28 - The Time Has Come


After those meetings with Lord Dark-grip and succeeding with the task on having friendly alliances with him, Arty thought she could be able to have a break and relax without any other worries and concerns at all at that time.

But then Arty didn't know that something was going to happen right there and then very soon while she's staying there with the freedom fighters for the time being. And that something is approaching and coming especially for her and only her alone.

It began and started with some kind of trickling feeling in her gut or some sort of mysterious whisper blowing softly to her hearing.

At first, Arty thought that it was just some strange coincidence and maybe it's just the wind flowing by her, but then she started to realize that the feeling inside her deepened like she swallowed a rock or something and then the whispers started to increase more as they hiss by her ears like she's being called by something.

She felt like she wanted to be afraid and fearful at first when she finally realized that she's sensing this, and thought of that she's being haunted by some ghost or phantom that's lurking in the place she's staying in with the freedom fighting group.

But then it didn't take long for her to realize again that this is not some sort of foreboding and ominous being that's trying to haunt or scare her. For she started to also feel some sort of spiritual awareness like she's being called by something grandly divine from the heavens itself.

It was then that Arteria Blaze finally figured out and realized that she was being called by the Trinity Goddess herself and she knew what this means for her.

It is already now the time for her to be tested of her worthiness and be going through the trials of the goddess that she will need to pass through and succeed so that she'll be proven worthy and become chosen as the new wielder of the Fiery Blade.

Once Arty realizes this, she focused on centering the feeling and the sensing that she has felt until it took her for almost a few minutes to deduce and conclude that the goddess is trying to give her some kind of signs within her during the nights while she was sleeping deeply in her slumber.

After she had gotten it and figured it out, it was then Arty had to almost wait impatiently for night time to come so that she'll be able to see what kind of signs the goddess has been sending her in the attempts through her dreams or something.

It didn't take long for night time to arrive, and she went to bed early, even though Arty knew that she had gotten some weird and strange looks towards her from the others when they noticed this. But she was glad that they shrugged it off, thinking that she must have been exhausted or tired from training or whatever chores that she had been doing before.

Once Arty lies down almost hastily onto her bed in sleeping night clothing, her eyes closed with her head down on the pillow instantly and then she started feeling some kind of connection within her very being as the goddess links with her slightly to give her signs or communicate with her to whatever it is that she needs to send out.

First, it was foggy in her dreams, like a dark misty scenery on her mind, but then it became clearer like an image was forming before her very eyes and it wasn't long for Arty to see clearly in the dream-place inside her head for her to see and view the new kind of scenery.

The scenery or place that Arty seems to be seeing before her is what appeared to be some kind of dark cave somewhere out there, but then it didn't take long for Arty to remember this place swiftly and where she had seen it and she knew the reason why this image came to her in her head.

For this is the sign that the goddess is showing her on where her first trials might be or something. And like on cue, the goddess herself seemed to sense that Arty has solved the clue of the sign she has given and then when Arty had woken up from her slumbering dreams, she was surprised to see that it's already the next day, with the sun rising early to shine on the new dawn of the morning.

Arty never thought that the time has come already for her to face whatever trials she will be up against that will be given out from the Trinity Goddess herself. She wondered whether she will be ready for it and that she will be able to face it head-on without fear or hesitation.

Hopefully, when that very time comes as she might hear or somehow sense the call again and signal her that it is time for her to go to that very place she had seen from her dreams, Arty will be fully prepared and ready to face whatever it is that will come at her. And that once she does, she might be able to succeed and prove herself worthy to wield the magical weapon and become the heroine of the story as she had created and written it to be.

