CHAPTER 29 - First and Second Trials of the Goddess


It was a few days later, exactly three days again, that has passed and gone by, that Arteria Blaze or Arty has finally heard or sensed the call that she had been waiting for or something.

When she was waiting for it, she had to increase and maximize her physical and mental training for herself so that she would be prepared to face whatever it is that will be coming at her from the goddess or something.

It was a very good thing that she did, for the whole being of her body was already radiating with anticipation and readiness once she had sensed the call. It came to her again on the third night when she was sleeping deeply in her dreams.

Only this time the dream that is being shown to her from the goddess was different than before. For the kind of scenery that she is viewing through her dreams were of herself standing in front of the entrance of the large dark cave that she was shown the location where the trials would be.

It is also a good thing that Arty had gone off to double-check the place before to make sure that the cave was the exact spot she had seen from the dreams. Now that she had been dreaming of herself standing in the cave's entrance, she knew what this meant instantly and as she woke up in the early morning, she prepared herself and bringing a few things to get to that very location so that she'll go through the goddess' trials.

She gave early notice already to the group of freedom fighters that she was leaving for a short trip but she didn't divulge more on the matter so that they won't know that she's being called by the Trinity Goddess herself until Arty passes her trials. She even told Lord Dark-grip and he didn't seem to think of it more about it and gave her permission to go, which got her relieved at that.

After Arty had told them, she quickly left before any of them might end up changing their minds and try to accompany her, and she went off in a slightly fast sprint to get to the cave where she will be undergoing the first trials.

As she got to the entrance of the cave, Arty slightly shivers nervously with little fear but she bravely entered into the deep darkness of the cave with a small fire-torch she had found and used a stray wooden stick during her trek.

She wanders into the deep shadows of the cave for almost a few minutes, trying to find whatever it is that she needed to, or was waiting for something to come at her. But then she didn't have to wait long for something suddenly came and this one's fast and hostile towards her.

Arty almost didn't see it but at least she reacted quickly when it came at her fast like the wind and tried to slice or cut her with something as it dashed at her and she swiftly deflected the blow while dodging the attacker.

She tried to hold on the burning torch as well while brandishing her sword with one hand but she couldn't be able to see clearly into the dark of whatever that is attacking her. As she tried to focus and sharpen her senses, she somehow felt the same rush again and reacted quickly when another cutting blow came at her, trying to strike her but she deflected the attack again.

This repeated almost so many times and no matter how much she tries, Arty couldn't be able to see even with the fire torch on one hand of who or what her attacker was, that continuously tries to come at her.

It didn't take long for Arty to realize that the first trial the goddess has laid out for her was a trial for the body, meaning testing her physical skills, strength, and prowess. Though Arty may not know how long this will last it looks like that she'll have to keep defending herself until it was over or the attacker finally stops coming at her.

It was almost about two hours for the attacker to keep trying to attack Arty and she kept deflecting the strikes and blows at her with success as she could manage and do, and then it suddenly stopped like something else caught its attention and Arty was left alone in the dark with the small burning fiery-torch in the silent shadowy dark cave.

She wondered what had happened but then Arty noticed something else that seemed to be appearing before her sights, and she quickly readied herself in battle again and pointed her sword right at the spot where she had seen it.

However, this time it didn't come at her but shines a little brightly like it's been lightened up by something else and it nearly got Arty's curiosity to coming over and see what it is that she's seeing. And that's what she did, but she moved forward slowly and cautiously in case that whatever something's there that's shining beckoningly at her, it may be a trap.

But then she didn't need to be tense and wary for she realized that as she came forward, she saw that it was some sort of magical writing shining visibly on the walls and there were many of the passages written in the cave's walls like they're all puzzles that she needed to solve.

Again, it didn't take long for Arty to quickly deduce and figure out the answer about the second trial being laid out from the goddess. And that it is a trial for the mind, meaning testing her ingenuity and wits.

Arty was a little surprised that the two trials were being laid out at the same time and wondered why the Trinity Goddess laid out for her just so, but then she'll have to put out those thoughts for later as she scrutinized the first glowing written passage on the wall to read and figure out what it's trying to tell her or something.


What is real and what is fake?

Be careful with what you seek or take.

For neither among the words are true,

So be careful among them on what you choose.

Answer one correctly and all the others will fade,

But answer one wrongly and you will be part of the dark trade.


This passage that's written glowing and shining before her eyes almost made her shudder in slight fear and anxiety and the ominous ways it's sending its message to her, and this didn't take long also for Arty to realize quickly that she needs to solve one of the riddles correctly so that she'll be able to get out of the cave and pass both the first and second trials of the goddess.

She knew that the next riddle she sees and reads will have to be the next one that she needs to solve and answer and Arty knew deep down that the goddess might be watching her closely from somewhere and will not allow her to choose any of the others from what the previous passage has said.

Either by a good twist of fate or luck, Arty read the next riddle and this one was slightly easy for her to deduce and solve it.


From gold, silver, and gems made of wood,

Among them, which do you choose that stood?

From creatures that crawl on four, walk two, and hobble three,

Which of them that is only one creature that does all these?

At the end of your life, a god stands before you,

He asks what path do you wish to take on the next life beyond you?

Answer all three of these and you pass,

But answer wrongly, even with one, you will never live last.


With this riddle, Arty instantly knew the answers and then voiced them out loud in the dark cave for whoever's hidden to hear her. She answered and replied that the first part of the riddle is wood, and the second part is human, and the last part is death.

Then Arty gave her explanations and reasons on why those are her answers. For the first answer of wood is the one that can stand like all plants have, and then for the second answer of human is the only one creature that crawls on four as a baby, walks on two legs as an adult, and then hobbles on three with a wooden cane.

Finally, on the last answer of the riddle, she answered death because only the gods themselves can grant reincarnation or second life for the passing of the person who has died. For it is a cruel and selfish way for someone to dare to wish from the god to be granted the next life, even if he is a good person.

With that said out loud, Arty felt the wind and the very air changed within the cave and then there was a big bright shining light at the other side, and she knew that this is the exit from the other side of the dark cave, and it is her way out upon passing the tests from the goddess. She almost ran in a dashing hurry towards the light and then got out.

Arty panted like she's been wholly exhausted and full-body tired for almost a whole week as she almost stumbles out of the cave from another side, where she had gone through and finished with the first and second trials of the goddess. She had never thought that those would be the kinds of trials she'd be going through from the Trinity Goddess, but then she knew deep down that those kinds would be the types that the goddess had to test her on to prove her worthiness.

She hoped deeply that the third and last trial of the goddess wouldn't be this intense, but she also knew that she couldn't keep her hopes up about it because she must be tested on this to make herself be proven worthy to wield the Fiery Blade.

Hopefully, that she'll have the break time to relax first and become prepared again to face it when the next time comes and it won't be that soon, for Arty felt like she needed to be both physically and mentally ready for it as it does.

