CHAPTER 32 - The Chosen Wielder


It was the next morning that has gone by and Arty woke up feeling refreshed and lighter and it didn't take long for her to instantly remember that she had succeeded in obtaining the Fiery Blade.

She nearly sits up on her bed with excitement and hurriedly dressed up so that she could inspect and study the Fiery Blade closely to measure it in good details and such. It didn't feel right to study the magical blade in her sleep-wear so she swiftly changed and then carefully brought the magic sword out from its hiding place.

Arty nearly got her face close towards the blade she's studying intensely on the table, almost breathing on it as she gazed at it with her eyes narrowed and inspecting every detail of it.

She never thought that she would have the magic weapon, the Fiery Blade into her own hands in reality and she never thought that she would nearly feel such magical powers coursing through it, with or without holding and touching it.

She was amazed at its magical intricate design of the blade, and she wondered whether this was made magically or not, and what races have been done to it, whether it was made from the Trinity Goddess herself, or made from elves, dwarves, or magicians into it.

Just as she was still studying it, she didn't realize that time has passed by already, that the others have noticed this and then knocked on the door, almost surprising and startling Arty when she heard it.

She heard some of the voices of the freedom fighters asking if she was alright and she hurriedly hid away the Fiery Blade so that they will not know about it yet until it was time.

She opened her door and Arty asked the others what they need from her but it turns out that they were just about to call her for lunchtime as it's nearly mealtime and they noticed her absence and were a little worried about her.

Arty smiled in response to show that she's fine, and then she'll come along soon after she is done working with something. It was a relief that they didn't question her more about it as they left her alone and quickly Arty prepared herself to go down while making sure that the magical weapon is hidden out of sight.

It didn't take long for her to get down and join the others on their gathering to eat their lunch and have their meals together, and that included Lord Dark-grip who was slightly smiling friendly towards his second leader and the other members of the freedom fighting group.

But then she didn't notice that Lord Dark-grip was looking at her suspiciously as if he knew that something was up and strange going on with her and Arty knew somehow that he might have sensed something different from her after she had gotten the magical weapon from her trip.

It seems that her thoughts were correct on the matter when Lord Dark-grip asked her about what her solo trips were about ever since she had been gone and absent, and this time the others became curious about what she was doing before when their true leader mentioned it.

Arty nearly cursed out loud on thinking that she thought she had gotten away with it during her trips on passing the Trinity Goddess' trials and wielding the Fiery Blade, but she knew that there's no other way to divert their attention away from her since the leader of the group had pointed this out and there is nothing that would fool him towards the other one.

However, she knew that she needed this alliance and she couldn't have it broken so she quickly and finally decided to go up and show it to them so that they would see the very reason why she's with them, training and staying with them. She hoped this won't break relations on their alliance.

After their meals, Arty hurriedly went to her room to grab it and went down fast, while unsheathing the Fiery Blade to show them all, which she knew by the looks on the expressions of their faces, they did not expect this or anything else at all.

Needless to say, Lord Dark-grip and the group of freedom fighters were very much shocked and stunned upon seeing that she revealed herself as the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade. Arty doesn't blame them for their surprise but she hoped that one of the characters of her story, Lord Dark-grip wouldn't become suspicious of her again even though he knows deep down that the wielder of the magical weapon is chosen and favored from the Trinity Goddess herself.

Arty hoped that this would cement more on the alliance between her and Lord Dark-grip's group of freedom fighters and himself. She needed his help into gaining more allies so that she would form the rebellion against the Mad King as she needs to do in being the heroine of her story.

Hopefully, she'll be able to succeed this and face whatever difficulties and trials she might face in the future, and Arty also hoped that she won't be getting any unexpected surprises until then. Arty believed to herself that she'll be brave enough to face all of these head-on and that she would be able to find a way of getting back to the real world where she really came from.

