CHAPTER 33 - Whispers and Rumors


It's been a few days that's already gone by and passed since the group of freedom fighters has known from Arteria Blaze or Arty revealing herself as the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade.

Needless to say, the leaders of the Freedom fighters, including Lord Dark-grip himself was very much stunned surprised at this revelation, that they didn't hesitate into giving out their appreciation and happiness that they're allied with the magical weapon's chosen wielder.

Right now, Arty wanted to focus on planning up more alliances with other possible groups and forming the rebellion against the main villain of the story which is the Mad King.

When she offered up this idea out loud to Lord Dark-grip, he didn't hesitate to call her up into his office and have a private conversation more about it.

It didn't take long for them to have heavy discussions about it and the potentials of people who would join the rebellion in Arty's side against the Mad King.

Then Lord Dark-grip offered the other idea that there are potential people he had noticed and they could be a lot of help for the rebellion.

Arty considered this idea and accepted it and then it was already the next day that she went with Lord Dark-grip and a few other freedom fighters to check out the possible potential people to join in with the alliance of the rebellion.

When she and the others got to the place, where it is a small campsite of what appeared to be a temporary home of wanderers, Arty thought at first that she had imagined seeing one person seemingly transform at first glance.

But then it didn't take her long to realize and find out that the small camp of wanderers is a group of shape-shifters. Magical beings that can transform their body shape from one person to another or transform themselves from human to animal or creature alike.

That's when she felt like she hit some sort of jackpot upon finding this group. However, Arty knew that making an alliance with shape-shifters is going to be difficult, considering they're the type of people to be free wanderers and nomads.

Still, she trusted Lord Dark-grip to try to talk them into it and let them be because she knew his character much more as she had made him as who he is, even with the hidden secret identity he harbors within his person.

After finding that campsite, she wandered about in the area when Lord Dark-grip went to meet up with the leader of the shape-shifting beings and stood in one place to think to herself deeply about something.

But before she could have some thoughts to herself or have a silent moment, she suddenly heard some hushed whispers coming from a few of the freedom fighters that were with them and she discreetly glanced to see who was talking and hearing what they are talking about.

Two or three freedom fighters were talking in worried and concerned voices about Arty and that somehow others from other places have started spreading the word that the Fiery Blade has been found and chosen its wielder.

From what Arty could gather upon hearing them, it seems that when she found the Fiery Blade and then was chosen to wield it, a few magicians had somehow sensed its power being revealed when it happened and because the Fiery Blade was a magical weapon in its right, the magicians were sensitive to feel it of course, even when it's been newly activated by choosing its new wielder.

Upon hearing the whispers and rumors that were being spread of the newly-chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade, Arty knew that it was a matter of time before the main villain known as the Mad King who will send out numerous troops of his men and hiring mercenaries to hunt her down and kill her just so he could try to obtain the magical weapon once he hears about them.

Arty knew deep down that she'll have to work fast and make plans to let herself go into hiding while still trying to make a rebellion group to fight against the Mad King's tyranny and end his rule as she needs to do as the heroine of her story.

She knew that it will be difficult but at least she's glad to have a few alliances with the group of freedom fighters, Lord Dark-grip, and a possible alliance with the group of shape-shifter wanderers that she and the others had discovered before. She hoped that she'll be able to succeed in getting more of these alliances just so to follow the exact flow of her story. Arty truly hoped that she would be able to do this and face it all even with the toughest difficulties that will come at her.

