CHAPTER 35 - Alliances


The next task that Arty is going to deal with is gaining the alliance with the pack of beast-men warriors. The beast-men pack she was thinking about, she had already known about them when she noticed some whispers and rumors about it after she and the group of freedom fighters have seen the campsite of the shape-shifters.

When Arty heard about it, she was glad to hear about them that they are nearby in the area, however, she became nervous and wary about it because she heard rumors that the pack of beast-men warriors is a mercenary group.

From hearing about it, she thought that the Mad King would resort to hiring beast-kind mercenaries to search out for her, but then she realized that she's being a little paranoid about this and that she needs to check them out before she jumps into any more conclusions about it.

It wasn't long for her to find out where they are and that they're settling in comfortably in another inn where they seem to be scoping out the area first before doing their job.

It also wasn't long for Arty to find out what kind of job the beast-men were working on. It seems they were hired for a bounty-hunting job and as mercenaries, they were also ordered to kill on sight, if the sole person they're looking for decides to run away from them.

Arty doesn't want to know whether the person they're looking for might be innocent or not, for she needs their help into joining the rebellion and having allied with them.

Arty had to admit, it was almost unnerving and a little scary on having first glance and seeing the beast-men almost at a fair distance away from them.

Each of them has their unique characteristics that show off their beastly-kind of beings that they are.

One is a furry black man with a head of a bull and wicked sharp-looking horns on his head. Another looked to be half-human completely except with distinctive fox ears, claws, and tail. Another beast-man had the features of a silver-gray wolf with the head of it, furry body, claws, and tail. And finally the last one, the beast-man had the features of a Bengal tiger, with his face and body looking human except with tiger ears, fangs, and whiskers, and also has sharp tiger claws and paws, and a furry tail.

They were quite intimidating in the ways of their appearances, but Arty decided to bravely face them and offer them to join her rebellion and tell them the benefits of being allies with her and reason with them about her cause about it.

She took a deep breath for a silent moment before she approached them courageously after she waited for them to finish their job and they had obtained their reward money for it. The pack of beast-men turned upon sensing and noticing her approach, and they all regarded her with wary and cautious looks but they didn't give out an intimidating aura to scare her away from their presence.

Arty quickly went to the point and told them about her rebellion and about who she is quietly so that nobody else in range would hear her and their conversation. They were shocked when she revealed herself to them that she's the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade and then they listened to her about her plans on forming the rebellion to fight against the tyranny of the Mad King.

After she told them everything, Arty waited for them to think about her offer and she thought that they would refuse it since she knows that this will be a dangerous gamble to be in the battle against the villainous king. However, she became surprised when they didn't hesitate into accepting her offer and answering to her that they will all join the rebelling group to fight for her cause.

Arty was very glad that all her plans have worked successfully with forming the alliances of the beast pack and shape-shifters. Now, Arty has to make plans and preparations on what to do next and what sort of tasks and goals that she'll need to focus on and work on so that she'll play out her role as the heroine of the story.

Hopefully, Arty knew that she'll have to deal with these kinds of matters soon and finish them quickly before the time comes when the Mad King might send out his enemy forces to trying to find her and try to obtain the Fiery Blade she has in her possession. Even though Arty is fully prepared to deal with it when the time comes in the future, Arty knew that the army she's making for the rebellion won't be enough to even the odds against the Mad King's forces. So she'll have to work quickly on getting more numbers and forming alliances with other groups to do that.

Arty hoped that she would be able to do this fast and quickly as she could before the Mad King sends out his hired goons and mercenaries to search out for her, and she knew that she won't be able to hide long away from the villain as she is the main character of the story that is needed to fight against him with her magical weapon.

