CHAPTER 36 - Unexpected


After she had made up the alliances with the group of shape-shifters and the beast-men warriors, she wondered what to plan for next or make her next move, because the growing whispers and rumors about the Mad King sending out forces to find her are increasing by the moment, that she'll need to hasten fast of her goals and plans for the rebellion against the villainous king.

She wondered whether she might try to go for an alliance with some group of elves or dwarves into the fold, for they are good fighters in their beings' rights as warriors and such into the rebellion.

But just as she was thinking about it while roaming about the marketplace where she decided to take a walkout and stroll around from the inn she's staying at with the group of freedom fighters, she noticed something that she almost tripped over her feet and fell down on her face upon seeing it.

At first, she thought she was imagining things, but then when she looked clearly, Arty was almost staring stunned shocked at the sight that it didn't take long for her to snap out of it and then instantly go into hiding before the person she saw, might turn around and see her.

She never thought that she would see Prince Adrian again, the bastard son of the Mad King and the man who was known as the ice-cold Prince whose aura radiated with coldness, despite that Arty knows deep down that his true character is otherwise different from his appearance.

She wondered what he is doing in the place where she and her rebellion group are here as well, and she hoped that he's not here under orders from the Mad King himself. Arty didn't like the feeling of fighting against him since she made her character to be one of the heroine's allies and a potential partner to her.

She hoped that maybe he's here only for some royal errand or other matter like that or something and not here looking for the Fiery Blade's chosen wielder. She hoped that it might be about the first ones and not the latter because she knew that it's not time yet for the heroine and the prince to meet each other yet in the story for the rebellion group has not been fully formed yet and it wasn't ready to face against the Mad King.

She breathed quietly, praying and wishing that he would leave and once she felt him going away, she peeked to make sure that Prince Adrian is truly gone and nowhere out of sight.

Once she double-checked and made sure that he's gone and disappeared to somewhere else and not in the area, Arty relaxed and came out of her hiding place and hurriedly went back to the inn, to hide for the time being until there is something else she needed to deal with or resolve for the matter about her plans and goals into forming more alliances for the rebellion.

Arty didn't think that this would happen. It was so unexpected that she wasn't prepared for it. Though it was fortunate that the cold-icy prince hasn't seen her yet, she knew deep down that it's only a matter of time before they might encounter each other again and then meet one another.

She'll have to think of what to do with these unexpected surprises and deal with it quickly before it might get out of hand when she sees the prince again, and even though she made him be the main character's potential partner in the story, there's no telling that the story might have been changed as she noticed before and that he might have been turned into a possible enemy instead of a friend and ally.

Arty hoped to herself that she might be able to think of something fast before something else happens that's going to come at her and catch her off-guard with surprise, that she might not handle it better than she already has, even though she has completed and successfully done her part on being chosen as the wielder of the Fiery Blade. And she hoped that it will be soon while she's busy forming the rebellion against the Mad King.

