CHAPTER 37 - Allies and Enemies


When Arty managed to escape back to the inn and hid away from being noticed by the Cold Prince. She still wondered why he was there and what was the reason for it as she locked herself in the room but made sure that she comes out whenever Lord Dark-grip or the others might come to check on her or call for her.

Still, she was glad that the next few days, she hasn't seen Prince Adrian again back from where she had seen him and hoped that she won't be seeing him again until the time comes that is needed for them to meet.

So right now, she needs to focus on making up plans and creating more ideas for the rebellion and such. With the shape-shifters and the beast-men now apart of it, she needs to research more on who to find next and ally with them and try to come up with how to convince them into joining the rebellion.

At first, she should think about approaching the elves, but then she thought about the dwarves that were all masters in their craft of sword-making and creating and making weapons that they need for the battle against the Mad King and enemy forces.

So that's what she did as she approached Lord Dark-grip about the matter, discussed and talked to him about it, and asking for his opinions on where to find them and how to convince them into joining her cause and ally with them for the rebellion.

Lord Dark-grip considered silently for a moment in his thoughts when she told him about it and it didn't take a long time for him to ponder over it and decide that it's a good idea to approach the dwarves and using them for their skills as craftsmen and finding out ways on convincing them to join but without fighting.

For he told Arty that only a few among the dwarf kin are good fighters and warriors, most of their numbers consists of craftsmen and it won't be of any good use into trying to convince them to join their armies, but it will be a huge benefit if they can make and create many weapons that they will need for the battle against the Mad King.

Arty was relieved and glad to hear of it and then she let Lord Dark-grip find out where they could find dwarves who would help them for this matter and trusted him to be able to convince them into joining like how he did the same with the shape-shifters, even though it was in part thanks to his trusted partner.

Now she needs to focus on how to find out why Prince Adrian is here, how to avoid him and not let the freedom fighters, the allies, and Lord Dark-grip himself into finding out what she is doing and knowing that the Cold Prince is there in the area with them.

Arty was glad about the people she has that are now allies and enemies that she has to plan and make up ideas on dealing with them. But for now, she has to deal with the unexpected matter and surprising situation concerning the Cold Prince Adrian.

She knew that it's still not smart and wise for them to meet yet for the rebellion is still not completed and has not formed enough people or other beings in it to make up a big army to fight against the enemy forces and the Mad King.

She knew that she needs to work as fast as she could into finding more people and making more allies into the rebellion so that the heroine of the story would end the tyranny of the main villain and then find a way back to her real home.

