CHAPTER 38 - The Rebellion


As Arty was planning and making ideas for the rebellion, finding allies, and such, she was also focused on the matter and problem about Prince Adrian that she heard from whispers among the people in the village they're staying in and found that he's still there somewhere in the area.

She'll need to plan quickly on how to deal with him and how to make him leave somehow before the others might find out about him and knowing the character of Lord Dark-grip, he might end up choosing that Prince Adrian might be a problem and deal with him personally, even though she knew that Prince Adrian is truly a good guy underneath his ice-cold evil-like persona and such.

She knew that he's a good person and that he doesn't need to be killed off so early only because of the whispers and rumors about his reputation and she knew deep down what's underneath and hidden behind his personality, so she also needs to deal with how to keep this quiet and secret from the others before they find out about the Cold Prince being there and hoped maybe that he would leave soon after he has done whatever errand he's there for and doing it for and something.

In the meantime, the only thing Arty could think of, to distract the others from finding out about Prince Adrian being in the area is to have a discussion with the others, about her plans and such for the rebellion and finding ways and convincing other allies that they will be searching out for.

She hoped these ideas will work as Arty went off to do just that so that they won't know about Prince Adrian. By the time, that she has done this and was nearly out of ideas in her head on keeping them busy and distracted while forming the rebellion, she was relieved to hear some news from the whispers among the people in the village that Prince Adrian has finally left and went to return to the Mad King's side or went somewhere else in another direction but away from the area where Arty and her forming rebellion is.

She was glad to hear about him being gone and now she could focus and work on the other matters, which is finding and searching for more allies and more people to join into the rebellion. She hoped that she'll be able to make it this far and once she is done with this, she'll start up planning for the battle ahead against the Mad King.

Arty knew that she's still not done with her tasks and plans into making more allies and finding more people for the army that's she trying to form and make up against the Mad King and battle against the enemy forces.

She didn't think that finding and searching for more people and allies would be slightly difficult but she is determined to see this through until the very end so that she and her army will be prepared and ready to fight against the enemies and the villainous mad tyrant.

She hoped that the rebellion will be completed soon as swiftly as she could while working fast to make sure that there are no mistakes messed up or made into forming it and bearing it fruit in the future when the time comes in the end.

Arty hoped that she'll be able to succeed and hoped that there won't be any more unexpected surprises or events that might happen in the future time so that she won't be caught off-guard and unprepared to face whatever it is against it if it might throw her off course from her goals.

