CHAPTER 39 - The Dwarf Crafter


Arty wondered what kind of allies she'll need to find and make friends with and have them join the rebellion. It didn't take long for news or reports to come to her when Lord Dark-grip called for her about it.

It turns out that some of the freedom fighters heard about some dwarves that are going to be passing through to where they are at their location and it was convenient for Arty when she heard about it and told Lord Dark-grip that they should catch up to them and offer them a chance to join in the rebellion with their skills as crafters for weaponry that they needed for their fighters and such.

He agreed as well and it wasn't long before they set out to meet up with the dwarves in their path before they might leave soon after whatever errand they're doing passing through the small village they're still staying in to form up and make the rebellion against the Mad King.

However, when Arty, Lord Dark-grip, and a small group of freedom fighters escorting them had met up with the group of dwarves as they just entered into the village and were about to set up their stall to trade crafting skills or such, the dwarves became tense and wary of them when they first came to visit them before customers come lining up for them.

The leader of the dwarves stepped forward to confront them and calmly demanded at them on what they want.

Arty winced a little that she knew that doing a forward pushy approach wasn't a very good first impression they have made to their potential allies but she knew that this was necessary since it looks like that the dwarves won't be staying long and will leave soon.

So she bravely moved forward and told them about her offer on the rebellion, revealed to them that she's the chosen wielder of the Fiery Blade, and offered them a chance on asking whatever they want from her so that they'll join or not.

And even if their offer to join was refused, Arty promised that she'll let the dwarves be on their way and leave them alone and not bother them anymore but she will need to purchase some of their weapons for her fighters in the army to wield for the rebellion.

The dwarf leader listened to all of this from Arty with silence for a tense moment. But then he spoke to Arty in a calm gruff voice, "And even if we join this rebellion or not, what's in it for the dwarves anyway? What benefits all of our kin?"

Arty calmly responded to him. "I promise you that once the terror of the Mad King's reign is completely over, I will ensure that all the dwarven race is committed in the name and given full honors of your glory and pride with the help you have provided and be known for all the world that you have allied with the wielder of the Fiery Blade. Your craftsmanship, your skills--everything that you have done and created by your hands will be commended by everyone and no one will dare to exploit or take advantage of all the dwarves under my name, or they will be quickly put to death if ever crimes were made against you all."

Arty practiced this speech carefully so that the dwarves would believe her, and she did make this speech as the heroine would have said it in allying with the dwarves.

And it was fortunate that it worked because the dwarf leader looked at her with an approving look in his eyes and then nodded at her respectfully as if he's impressed with her speech before he turned and barked at his kin that they will be helping with the Fiery Blade's wielder and join the rebellion.

Arty was internally relieved and the leader introduced himself as one of the expert dwarf crafters in his league and slammed a fist against his chest to show his respect and solemn honor that he will be loyal to her cause once she defeats the Mad King.

After recruiting the dwarf crafter and his kin into the rebellion, which Arty is very glad of that, now she has to deal with finding more allies and good warriors to join the rebellion that will even the odds against the enemy forces and the Mad King himself.

Arty hoped that she'll be able to succeed in her tasks and goals through everything about this and play her role as the heroine of the story perfectly and not make any mistakes. She hoped that she'll be able to make it through this and survive so that she'll be able to get back to her home in the real world.

