CHAPTER 40 - The Elf Warrior


After Arty had recruited the dwarves into the rebellion, now she has to deal with finding ways to making allies with somebody else, like the elves. And she wondered how she's going to approach that once she goes to find and meet them. Fortunately, it seems her luck got the better for her once again when she received news about it.

One of the freedom fighters reported straight to Lord Dark-grip as he and Arty were in the office together, discussing plans on providing shelter and comfort for their new allies the dwarves, and then he told them about some elves that had also arrived into the village, wearing some kind of magical invisible cloaks and seemed to be searching for someone.

Lord Dark-grip and Arty exchanged puzzled looks at this, but Arty had a feeling that the elves must be here looking for the Fiery Blade's new chosen wielder for they are sensitive magical beings who can sense these sort of powerful-like events that happened and the elf leaders must have sent out scouts to find out who it is that is the new wielder of the magical blade.

Arty voiced out her thoughts and opinions about it and it took a silent moment for Lord Dark-grip to agree on her statement about it but he started telling her that she should stand back and stay inside in case these elf scouts might turn out to be enemies or something and not the good ones.

First, he will send out some of his men to make sure and check if the elves are good ones and not mercenaries sent out to kill the wielder or something. Arty agreed because she remembered as the story's writer, she created that there are good and bad elves in the world she has made.

So she stands by and stays inside just as Lord Dark-grip said and she waited patiently until he sends out word that she is needed to meet the elves once they are sure that they are friendly or foe.

It didn't take long for her to wait as two freedom fighters have returned and called for her so that Arty is needed to meet with the elves that came to find her.

She prepared herself to look nice and became ready to meet them as she follows the others to the meeting place where Lord Dark-grip is waiting along with the group of elves that came to meet her.

As she arrived, they turned to look at Arty with the elves looking at her like they're studying her for a moment as if judging or assessing her potential and such, and then after a tense moment, they relaxed their composure and approached Arty in friendly ways, that it also got her to relax as well.

There was a small discussion among them as they talked about their possible alliance with one another and joining the rebellion and it wasn't long before the elf scouts started to agree one another that a few of them will stay behind and join Arty's rebellion in fighting against the Mad King.

It seemed that few of them are also skilled warriors and Arty was glad to hear about that before the other elves left to send word to their leaders of confirming that Arty is the true wielder of the Fiery Blade. Arty welcomed the elves who will be staying with them and she promised them on her name and honor that she will make sure that the elves will be free from hiding away from the Mad King's tyranny as they have suffered before.

The elves thanked her in gratitude and will hold her word since she gave her promise on that and it wasn't long before Arty, Lord Dark-grip and the other freedom fighters escorted the cloaked elves into entering the village and also providing them places to take shelter and stay for the time being for the cause of the rebellion and prepare themselves for the incoming battle against the villainous king.

Arty was relieved that she managed to successfully ally and recruit the elf warrior and some of his kin into the rebellion. Now all she needs to do is worry about other matters, like Prince Adrian and the mercenaries sent out by the Mad King.

She wondered how she's going to be able to deal with that when it comes to the future and that she needs to play the role of the heroine of the story to be able to find a way on getting back home to the real world. She hoped that she'll be able to succeed on her task while making sure that she doesn't die in the end as she had created and made the story just as it was written to be.

