CHAPTER 41 - Blade's Powers


It was a few days later, that Arteria Blaze or Arty decided to try out what kind of abilities or powers does the magical weapon, the Fiery Blade has.

She knew she should have done that before, but she got a little busy with forming the rebellion and making allies and such. But now she managed to grab some free time to learn and discover more about the magical blade that she now has.

She knew this would be a little different than creating and writing about it, and she needs to learn how to wield it just so she knows in a slight reality on using it.

So that's where and when she started about right now. Arty went off to a secluded place somewhere in the woods to train herself and learn about the Fiery Blade.

At first, she felt herself feeling a little stupid when she stands still in one spot and was holding out the Fiery Blade in her hands as if expecting some sort of reaction to emerge from the magic weapon.

But just as she thought nothing happens, and she was about to contemplate on how to activate it, the magical blade somehow started to respond to her silent thoughts and starts to emerge flames, burning in its blade as if showing its original element that is named for.

Arty was impressed a little, but she needed to know about its other elements so that she knows what she's dealing with. And as if in response to her thoughts again, the burning flames died out from the shiny silver blade, and then it turned into blue watery-like flames as it shows itself out and emerges into the blade.

Arty became impressed at this and swings the sword a little as she figures out that it can turn itself into a water-elemental ability onto the magic blade and then she tries thinking of other elements to see how they turn out.

When she thought of earth, the blue flames vanished and then turned and showed itself an orange dusty-sand like flames and when she makes a strike, the ground responded and became blown away like it was being brushed by the sword itself as if it were a broom.

Then Arty thought of air, and the orange flames disappeared again and became almost transparent grey and white-like flames as they appeared onto the blade. When she strikes at the air itself, somehow a tornado whirlwind was formed and it was blown away as well in response to the swinging of her sword.

Now she tries to do something else by manipulating the elements while maneuvering the sword in a mock battle by herself. And Arty managed to accomplish that successfully, even though it caused some few damages in the surroundings she's in at her secluded training spot.

By the time, she was almost done training for herself at that time, it was already late at night and Arty knew that she needs to go back and rest for another day and train herself more with the magical weapon.

When she returned to the inn and went straight to her room to sleep, she noticed that the others have noted her absence during that time but they didn't confront her about it because they have already known that she was learning and training herself as the Fiery Blade's chosen wielder and everything.

Arty never realized the full extent of the magical blade's powers, and this was only the beginning of these discoveries. She never knew what else the Fiery Blade does have in its mystical and magical arsenal on its very being, and she seemed excited but also cautious about knowing and discovering what they are.

She hoped that as its chosen wielder, she'll have to be very careful about handling it before the magical weapon itself might hurt her or someone else in the future. Arty hoped that she'll be able to master the skills while wielding this magical blade and hoped that it will be enough to fight against the Mad King himself and not get herself killed when the time comes.

