CHAPTER 42 - Wielder's Aims


After Arty discovered and find out about half of the Fiery Blade's powers, she'll need to focus on training herself to wield it properly so that she wouldn't hurt herself or anyone else as she uses the magical weapon.

It took about a few more days to learn and train herself on wielding the magical blade, and trying to discover and know more about it. But while Arty was doing that, she didn't know that the others are also helping her with the rebellion and finding more allies to join it so that they will have enough in their army to fight against the Mad King and the enemy forces.

Just as Arty was busy with the task of training herself with the Fiery Blade and Lord Dark-grip and the others were busy with the rebellion, there was another character in the sidelines who was also doing something but it's not someone that you would ever expect it to be.

And that character--or rather the person who's doing this other task by the sidelines, somewhere in the shadows--is Prince Adrian, the one who's been called and known as the Cold Prince and the son of the Mad King, which he's been portrayed as a bastard because his mother is a lowly peasant of poor origins.

Prince Adrian had been waiting for this day to overthrow his tyrant father for almost a decade ever since he was a child and had been mistreated badly from the Mad King and then thrown away and banished to some dangerous colder regions where he's supposed to die.

But then he survived and then the Mad King had to acknowledge him as his only heir by the suggestions from the royal council and ordered him back.

Prince Adrian sneered to himself when he arrived at his father's beck and call, pretending to follow him like a servant--when in truth and harsh reality, he hated him at the bottom of his very heart and soul.

He had been planning secretly to take over his father somehow, and then make peace with the other states of the whole world so that they wouldn't suffer any more horrors from the reign of terror from the Mad King.

However, he didn't have a way to fight him back, because the Mad King was somehow invincible by his rights because the king resorted to dabbling into dark magic to make himself stronger and such, that caused his insane madness.

Even though he's all crazy in mind, there are still parts inside the Mad King that makes him cunning and smart like he's a dangerous snake to deal with.

As Prince Adrian was thinking about how to deal and fight against his father, he got news from his spies about the sudden rumors and whispers of the Fiery Blade had emerged from hiding and has chosen its wielder.

He knew that he'll need to somehow find this wielder and be its ally, for he believed that the magical weapon and its chosen one would be the only ones to defeat against the tyrant Mad King.

Prince Adrian seemed to be wondering about the chosen wielder's aims in the future, and what cause does he have to form the rebellion and what his plans were--when his spies reported and told him about it. It would seem that he'll need to find out sooner than later than just stand by and see this unfold, whether this might endanger the world itself or something.

He'll have to find a way on how to approach the chosen wielder about this and find out what were his goals before he might end up getting his people and allies hurt against the enemy forces of his so-called father and dark enemy, the Mad King.

He hoped that he would be able to succeed on that before the time comes and that it won't be too late when it does. Prince Adrian wondered how the meeting is going to turn out once he goes face-to-face with the person--not knowing that the person he will be facing is the fiery redheaded woman who is the chosen wielder of the infamous magical Fiery Blade.

